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Being a 'Natural'


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I love shooting pool as well but haven't shot pool I eons though. Back in the 80's my buddies and I hit the local taverns and pool hall tourneys and won more than just a few but Ryan sounds way out of my league. I'm very rusty at it I'm sure but if I were to shoot a lot for a couple weeks I'd get back my stroke and touch.

Pool is the ultimate muscle memory. A few games of fighting it, then it all comes back. It's the guys that grew up in the hole in wall bars that are usually the toughest. They understand the art of knowing when to miss. The younger crowd nowadays grew up watching 9-ball on TV and thinks everything has to be a break and run. The first time you play about 3 defensive shots on them in a game and they tend to get so frustrated they cant think. I think that's the reason I loved leagues so much. You have 8 man teams that are handicapped by skill level. You play your 5 players a night against the other teams 5 players and each team's handicaps cant exceed more than 23. 1 team throws up the 1st player then the other team throws up their choice against them, then after that match it alternates. Its just made sure you couldn't load up a team of guys like me and go destroy everybody. There was so much strategy just in the players you chose to play that it was so much more than cue sticks and balls. But it was fun as hell playing different teams and drinking a lot of beer with Dudes from all over that mostly had the same hobbies and stuff you do


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pissing off my wife. I will join the rest of you in this one. I am pretty good at it.

Outside of this, I can think of nothing. Where I lack natural ability, I make up for it with heart. When I put my mind to do something, I give it my all. Racing motorcycles, working, plowing snow, writing, sports. . . . none of it came naturally. Not going to say I have ever had any "big" accomplishments, but the accomplishments I have were earned with hustle, dedication, hard work, and lots of practice. When i put my heart into it, I give it 110%. I guess that is my only true "natural" talent: Giving 110% to whatever I want. Not necessarily everything I "do", but if it is something I "want" I give 110%.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Thats awesome mike, I like to think I can draw, but I'm more of a doodler. That stuff of yours is really good.

I am having to think about what i might be a natural at... guess that means i am not a natural at anything.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Naturally high strung. A shortage of energy, or drive to do something usually isn't a issue. I'm an adrenaline junky, and naturally a hard worker. I do not like quitters, complainers, or someone who is looking for a handout. Naturally, I think I have a pretty good feel if a person is one of these three pretty quickly.

I do not excel at anything, but I can hold my own with most who step into the ring. And I do not mind getting my ass handed to me, I will dive into that conversation or fight any day of the week so I can learn from it and become a better person or competitor. If I do not, then I am naturally not interested.

Someday it would be nice to excel at one thing though.....Mike, you have a gift, nice work!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I don't care who you are, you are all gifted in some way, shape or form. God gave me the ability to do some decent art. I have no idea why I don't use it to make a living. I have a degree in fine art, but I lost interest in it. What is my problem?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I don't care who you are, you are all gifted in some way, shape or form. God gave me the ability to do some decent art. I have no idea why I don't use it to make a living. I have a degree in fine art, but I lost interest in it. What is my problem?

Like my wife you probably were ruined by the politics of the art industry by way of instructors lol....


Senior Member
Athens County
I don't care who you are, you are all gifted in some way, shape or form. God gave me the ability to do some decent art. I have no idea why I don't use it to make a living. I have a degree in fine art, but I lost interest in it. What is my problem?

Keep doing what your doing for a living. Every artist i know is a 'Struggling Artist' or a 'Trustafarian'(old money ). Hard ass way to make a living, no matter your talent.

You have any deer art ?


Senior Member
Mike, are u interested in doing a little work for some cash? I have a photo I would like painted. uploadfromtaptalk1392492936470.jpg


Senior Member
Athens County
If you have stripes and fail to hit one first then its ball in hand. Same thing if your object ball or cue ball doesn't either hit a rail or force another ball to a rail or poclket it is a ball in hand

I just got the low down from one of my buddies who just joined an APA league last week. Random timing how we where talking about it on here. Those should be the standard rules for every bar table. Too bad slot of folks just dont get it



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Since a few of us share the love of billiards who were/are some of your favorite pro shooters. Personally, my all time favorite is Willie Mosconi but also liked Alan Hopkins. Others are the Miz and Fats.


Junior Member
Stark County
Is it time to break out the Meucci? I shot eight and nine ball leagues for years and dabbled in straight pool as well. If there's anything that I could say I was a natural at, it would probably be billiards. For the record, Steve Mizerak is the man. Now a days my pool shooting is limited to the Brunswick in the basement. Can't be out shooting every night with kids at home. It's one of the few things I dearly miss about the pre-parent days.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Willie still holds the record in 526 balls in a row in straight pool. That's amazing! I succeeded in doing the beer commercial trick shot that the Miz did in the 80's twice. Once on a Gandy and the other time on a Bruns. I can't remember how many tries though.....lmao
Great art work, Mike. Shooting pool is not even close to my strong suit.

I'm a natural at wheeling and dealing. If there is easy cash to be made I'm always at the right place at the right time. When I was fifteen I watched my dad make enough cash in three weekends to pay for a brand new 1966 pickup. He did it by knocking on doors and buying things that people didn't even know they wanted to sell. The idea stuck with me and I've hustled junk all my life. I lost my job in 1995 and have been a full time junk hustler since. I must admit it sure beats working in a factory.

My real dream is to play poker for a living, but I just don't have the nerve to try it.