I've been blessed to be fairly decent at most things I've taken on in my life. I don't excel in many, but I'm able to hold my own more often than not. I'm a natural people person. Reading a person quickly and being able to mold "me" to that person and situation is something I'm very good at. Because I have a lot of interests, it is rare that I cannot connect with someone on some level. Its served me well and is why I'm good at my job.
Although its early, I feel like I was meant to coach. It comes naturally and I'm succeeding simply because it just comes out. I feel like I get in a zone and all those years of instruction come spewing out. Time will tell, but so far so good!
Although its early, I feel like I was meant to coach. It comes naturally and I'm succeeding simply because it just comes out. I feel like I get in a zone and all those years of instruction come spewing out. Time will tell, but so far so good!