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Being a 'Natural'


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
MK111's thread about his grandson shooting lights out with minimal effort got me thinking. Its amazing how some people are just naturally great at certain things, while others have to work their asses off to ever come close to that level.

So who's a natural at what?

Couple things to keep in mind:

1- If you have to think about it, you arent a 'Natural' at anything. Tough break.... lol

2- Eating, drinking, sleeping and screwing dont count.

I'll post up my natural ability once i think of it....

Thanks for thinking of the grandson in this post.
Well he did it again last night shooting his match. On his 1st target he shoot a 371-13 out of a possible 375-15. This is offhand at 50' and the center is less than 1/4". His 2 shots were a minus 2 and 1 from perfect.
Then he sorta fell apart on his 2nd target and lost some points. But he sat down and thought about it and pulled himself back together and finished great.
Shot a 1217-31 out of a possible 1250-50.
He's a natural that doesn't practice. Just to prove this he shot a minus 4 on the 6th last shot then pulled himself together and shot the next 5 shots dead center.


Senior Member
Athens County
Awesome. Its fun to hear.

My grandpa was a natural golfer. Picked the game up in his 40s. He played par golf his first time out. My dad tells me it was just ridiculous how easy he made it look.

I didnt inherit that ability. Not even close .
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
I played Alan Hopkins in the Camel VIP room at Riviera Casino in Vegas. I was the first person to beat him in about3 hours he said. It was 9 ball. I broke and didn't pocket anything. He rattled a long shot on the 1 ball and I ran them out, broke and ran the next game. Then he throttled me 3 games in a row with defense and runouts. He was a really cool guy. Got to meet Jeanette Lee, Johnny Archer, and a few other pro's out there as well. Somebody has pics somewhere I think, as it was before Cell phone cameras. When I was 14-15 I beat Cory Duel in a Texas Express 8 ball tourney, he went on to be a damn good pro. I played Mike Massey in 8 ball for $25 in a race to 3. He won 3-0. He was doing an exhibition for a bunch of us and when he finished, he said he'd play anybody for $100 a game. Nobody wanted to. He said "anybody wanna play for anything"? I challenged for the race to 3 for $25 and he giggled and said sure. I believe I got 1 decent shot in 3 games. The best player I have ever played multiple times in tournaments would be a guy named Art Rivera. He's got master status in BCA and used to shoot a lot of pro circuits. I think he may have died a year or 2 ago. I played him when he was older and his eyesight was not quite as good and he would still beat me 2/3rds of the time in Tourny's. He was just so damn smooth. Talking about all this pisses me off that I sold my Falcon Stick last year.


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Supporting Member
I play quite a bit. I play both online, at casinos and home games on occasion. I win much more than I lose. My only problem is that I lose concentration in long tournaments.

Tournaments are a grind. I love playing live out in Vegas. So many dingalings plopping down $100 buy ins and trying to get it all in and double up the first top 10 hand they get. It's a blast out there. Detroit is always fun too. Those guys are in a race to raise everything through the roof. I buy in for the max up there and sit and wait on a monster with good position. It's really a sight to see. We should have a TOO gambling night with pool tourney's and poker tables, haha. I have a Tournament on Saturday the 15th at the Findlay FOP lodge. Its a relatively loose bunch of guys but its tricky. I usually let them eat each other up and stay clear until the better poker players rise up. I hate getting into hands with the "No Clue" crowd in a tourney. They are dangerous


Senior Member
Athens County
I love me some poker . Ive done pretty good in vegas and other casinos, other then someone occasionally sucking out.

There 's been a weekly game going on for about 15 years that i got in on 3 years back when someone moved. Its a great group of card players. No bullshit, and good flow.

Im due for a grind session at a casino sometime soon . Its been a while.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I love me some poker . Ive done pretty good in vegas and other casinos, other then someone occasionally sucking out.

There 's been a weekly game going on for about 15 years that i got in on 3 years back when someone moved. Its a great group of card players. No bullshit, and good flow.

Im due for a grind session at a casino sometime soon . Its been a while.

I haven't went in about 2 months, and that was horeshoe in Toledo. Im not a fan of it up there. Its like an episode of cheers. If your at a table with 7 other players, atleast 6 of them are good buddy's. You can tell they are considerate of eachother and basically a lot of collusion going on


Junior Member
Central Ohio
I'm not really a natural at anything. I suck at pool. I can play poker. I prefer NL Hold em. I play for fun. If I ever played for money I might find I don't know as much as I think I know. When I watch it online I can spot a lot of tells and most of the false tells. I would never want to plop down in a game with a bunch of regulars and get railroaded. That would suck!

I hold my own in most situations.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I played Alan Hopkins in the Camel VIP room at Riviera Casino in Vegas. I was the first person to beat him in about3 hours he said. It was 9 ball. I broke and didn't pocket anything. He rattled a long shot on the 1 ball and I ran them out, broke and ran the next game. Then he throttled me 3 games in a row with defense and runouts. He was a really cool guy. Got to meet Jeanette Lee, Johnny Archer, and a few other pro's out there as well. Somebody has pics somewhere I think, as it was before Cell phone cameras. When I was 14-15 I beat Cory Duel in a Texas Express 8 ball tourney, he went on to be a damn good pro. I played Mike Massey in 8 ball for $25 in a race to 3. He won 3-0. He was doing an exhibition for a bunch of us and when he finished, he said he'd play anybody for $100 a game. Nobody wanted to. He said "anybody wanna play for anything"? I challenged for the race to 3 for $25 and he giggled and said sure. I believe I got 1 decent shot in 3 games. The best player I have ever played multiple times in tournaments would be a guy named Art Rivera. He's got master status in BCA and used to shoot a lot of pro circuits. I think he may have died a year or 2 ago. I played him when he was older and his eyesight was not quite as good and he would still beat me 2/3rds of the time in Tourny's. He was just so damn smooth. Talking about all this pisses me off that I sold my Falcon Stick last year.

Wow Ryan, that is impressive!


Senior Member
Athens County
Get'r done buddy! Hope your catching the cards to work some fools.

Ive been on a cold streak in my weekly game . It only takes about one bad play to put a hurt on ya at the beginning of the game. This week i tried to buy a pot and got blind sided. I had to good of a buzz going. Stupid stupid
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Get'r done buddy! Hope your catching the cards to work some fools.

Ive been on a cold streak in my weekly game . It only takes about one bad play to put a hurt on ya at the beginning of the game. This week i tried to buy a pot and got blind sided. I had to good of a buzz going. Stupid stupid

I had a good night Tuesday at my home game. We just play Nickel/dime blinds. I came out $43.00 ahead


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
At those blinds that is a hell of a night. Ive got an itch to head to a casino for some cash gamin. Its been a while

They play every Monday at the Belpre Shrine in Belpre if your interested, $20 buy in with and xtra $20 buy in. Id go with ya if you wanted to try it.


Senior Member
Athens County
Mondays the weekly game i play or id make the drive!

$20 dollar buy in, but no re-buys, top 3 get paid. Its a fun game. We always have 11 and have 2 or 3 subs to call to keep the table full if needed. I had to sub for a good 6 months until i finally got a spot.

Great group of players with no BS. You'd think everyone was playing for 20 grand. lol.

You play the Belpre game alot?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I fuggin won it again! Haha. Buy in was $20 and a $5 sidepot for a bounty chip which allowed us to collect on taking out other players who bought in. We could rebuy within the first 2 hours if we were knocked out, but you only got half the starting stack. We started with 1600 in chips. And 10 minutes before the cutoff, I had 600 left. I went all in with pocket 8's preflop against A-K and they held up. After that I treaded water for the next 2 hours and then the blinds started eating me up once we got down to the final 9 players. I went all in again with pocket 6's and was called by the chip leader with A-K and someone else that ended up having pocket Jacks. I flopped a set then held on for a triple up. After that I stayed aggressive until it came down to 3 of us. I got crippled when I had pocket 3's and flopped a set and one of the other players had pocket 10's flopped a set also. The only thing that saved me was a flush draw and straight draw both showed up and neither one of us pushed too many chips in, otherwise I woulda been gone. I had about 8 big blinds left after that and started catching some monster preflop hands, and then catching everything on the flop. Within about 4 hands I was chip leader again and never looked back. I had one decision when we were heads up that took me literally 5 minutes to call, and my gut instinct was right, and I called his all in with just a middle pair and had him covered barely. I won $300 for 1st and won 2 bounty chips from other players plus mine that I cashed in, so I left with $315 after buying in for $25 total. I gotta admit though most of these guys aren't worth a shit at poker. They are mostly cops and Firefighters, and their buddies. They have more fun playing some game of dice called one, four twenty one or something like that after they are knocked out.