I fuggin won it again! Haha. Buy in was $20 and a $5 sidepot for a bounty chip which allowed us to collect on taking out other players who bought in. We could rebuy within the first 2 hours if we were knocked out, but you only got half the starting stack. We started with 1600 in chips. And 10 minutes before the cutoff, I had 600 left. I went all in with pocket 8's preflop against A-K and they held up. After that I treaded water for the next 2 hours and then the blinds started eating me up once we got down to the final 9 players. I went all in again with pocket 6's and was called by the chip leader with A-K and someone else that ended up having pocket Jacks. I flopped a set then held on for a triple up. After that I stayed aggressive until it came down to 3 of us. I got crippled when I had pocket 3's and flopped a set and one of the other players had pocket 10's flopped a set also. The only thing that saved me was a flush draw and straight draw both showed up and neither one of us pushed too many chips in, otherwise I woulda been gone. I had about 8 big blinds left after that and started catching some monster preflop hands, and then catching everything on the flop. Within about 4 hands I was chip leader again and never looked back. I had one decision when we were heads up that took me literally 5 minutes to call, and my gut instinct was right, and I called his all in with just a middle pair and had him covered barely. I won $300 for 1st and won 2 bounty chips from other players plus mine that I cashed in, so I left with $315 after buying in for $25 total. I gotta admit though most of these guys aren't worth a shit at poker. They are mostly cops and Firefighters, and their buddies. They have more fun playing some game of dice called one, four twenty one or something like that after they are knocked out.