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Best Neighbors of TOO


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio

So I was standing in my backyard a little while ago and looked across the way to see THIS. Lol They have 2 extention ladders in the bed of the truck with the bottom held in place by the tailgate. They are climbing up them to trim the tree so I thought. Turns out he was just attaching another rope for his kids to swing from. They have a total of 7 vehicles and at least 1 dirt bike and I think only 2 of the vehicles actually run. It's also a trash hole with stuff piled around the house and front porch. They run lights until 2-3am and I mean every light in the house and garage are on. Pure white trash and I'm sure I'm paying for it in more then one way or another. Just makes me sick.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
We should just start a new thread named "neighbors", and show off our best white trash neighbors. I have all great neighbors except 1. The Part-Time Dad is a Joe Dirt look-a-like with the yellow party plates. They don't mow their lawn. I shit you not, it's the best CRP field in the county. Fuggin trees growing into their house, their garbage blows into my yard. I get so pissed. They used to have cats:smiley_dead:


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
We should just start a new thread named "neighbors", and show off our best white trash neighbors. I have all great neighbors except 1. The Part-Time Dad is a Joe Dirt look-a-like with the yellow party plates. They don't mow their lawn. I shit you not, it's the best CRP field in the county. Fuggin trees growing into their house, their garbage blows into my yard. I get so pissed. They used to have cats:smiley_dead:

That sounds like a great idea. Let me fix it and everybody can post up the "Best Neighbors" pics lol.


*Supporting Member*
I love my neighbors now, because for the most part, they leave me alone! I did pull a gun on one of them about 15 years ago, they moved after that :smiley_crocodile: and the rest know not to fugg with me. :pickle:


Junior Member
East Ohio
One of my neighbor's kids spent 6 years in a Federal Prison, robbed 3 banks in one day, no weapon. The sports bookies were demanding money for his bets. The ex con would steal cigarettes and change when he got out of prison If I left my truck unlocked.
My other neighbor is the nosiest PIA always sticking his nose in my garage.. He brought in 10 18 wheel dump trucks of fill dirt to
flood my back yard, not once but twice. He thinks the property line is at my garage wall. Any dumb sh would know its halfway between the houses. I hate to spend the money to install a fence. I would like to use razor wire.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I had a neighbor on the other side of me that I'm fairly certain was living proof of inbreeding. One day while mowing my back yard he comes flying up beside me in a fairly decent go kart. So I stop and start talking to him about it. Well, apparently I showed too much interest because we went grocery shopping a while later and when we returned him and his monster kids were running a giant oval between their yard and mine. He literally was making a track in my back yard. It took all of 2 minutes of me threatening his life and his kids life for them to have all their shit put away and off my lawn. After that the guy never so much as looked my way and his kids wouldnt even step foot in my yard. Within a few months they walked awy from the mortgage and lost 2 of their 4 kids to other parents and the Dad and mom are both in and out of jail. Now I couldnt ask for a better neighbor. The guy is a mechanical savant. He can fix any problem with any car or motor. He has done so much shit for me I couldnt ever repay him. I constantly buy him gift cards and give them to his wife cuz he wont accept any cash. I do fry up a shit ton of fish and give him lots of salsa to atleast keep him well fed


Active Member
We only have one neighbor considering my girlfriend and I live in a apartment complex. There not too bad but sometimes I'm pretty sure we can hear them doing the dirty! Lmao


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
My driveway is a 1/4 mile long, I own it and the house behind me has minimal rights to access their property. Said house is for sale right now and I run 2-3 morons off a week! Most of them for coming down my driveway @20-30 mph. Just this evening I was leaving and a guy pulled into the drive, I was probably 200 yards from the road. He continued my way and I continued his way…his little S10 thought he was going to run my 1 ton OFF MY FUGGIN DRIVEWAY! I'm not sure it worked out the way he planned and I'm for sure he isn't interested in the house anymore. All this could have been avoided if he just waited 30 seconds for me to finish driving to the road, stupid people.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My wife wouldn't kill me. See what he wants for it. She wants an old hot rod. Lol

In regards to neighbors, I can't complain. Across the street it is cat central but they are the nicest people ever. Wonderful neighbors. She isn't crazy cat lady, just too big of a heart. Next to us is an old hippie truck driver. Throw him a Natty Light every so often and he is great. Behind us are the lesbians. They are cool but had to ask the boys to stop using their driveway last week to ride their bikes because they were top less in the pool. Before you ask: no, they are not "hot lesbians" and I don't think my boys had a clue they were topless. Lol