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Best Neighbors of TOO

No complaints.
We're blessed.
Knock on wood.

We used to. This is what we woke up to last weekend on their shed. They had a bunch of kids watching the house we think while they were away.


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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Sept will be 12 years in my house. Talked to the one neighbor lady twice. She lives 400 yds south of me on the other side of the street. The other neighbors live across the street a 1/4 mile the other direction. Haven't as much as even seen those neighbors. I like where I'm at.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I live by the rule you don't fugg with me I won't fugg with you....move had some good ones and some not so good after all these years the good outweigh the bad.... But I've had one I've been close too losing it on and luckily that didn't come to fruition.....
All our neighbors are pretty good people. We live tight here, we can talk to one another porch to porch in normal voice tones. The house that practically sits against my driveway is being sold, what that will bring time will tell. I'm by no means the neighborly type, so I really don't deal with neighbors much. One guy rented the house beside us a couple years ago. He came right over and introduced himself. I told him I'm not the neighborly type and had no plans on changing my ways. I said I'd say Hi over the fence and that would be the extent of it. He lived there a year, we never had a conservation and we got along fine.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Kinda surprises me Dick. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Just surprises me. Then again, not everyone opens up their lives to the world like I do. lol (And I respect that. Nothing wrong with it.)


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I have all good neighbors now. But 6-20 yrs ago we had a convicted thief, stocker, drunk and you name it across the street but they lost the place and are gone for the last 6 yrs.
A year or so before they left someone broke into my man cave building. He came over for something and I told him 'if I catch anyone breaking in, I would shoot them, and roll them down the hill and let the bugs eat them'. His eyes got as big a ever and said 'you wouldn't'. I told him I carry a pistol all the time and would in a second. Never had a problem again.
Kinda surprises me Dick. Not that there is anything wrong with it. Just surprises me. Then again, not everyone opens up their lives to the world like I do. lol (And I respect that. Nothing wrong with it.)

I've always been that way, not really sure why. Living in the big city, most guys that have been my neighbors I had nothing in common with. If one of the guys on this forum moved in next door I'd probably be a little more neighborly.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I've always been that way, not really sure why. Living in the big city, most guys that have been my neighbors I had nothing in common with. If one of the guys on this forum moved in next door I'd probably be a little more neighborly.

Same here as far as having things in common Dick, my hobbies involve a bass boat in warmer weather and guns most of the year along with the bow during season as well.... I've been referred too as the old guy with all the guns before lmao.....
You should see some of the looks I get when I'm leaving for the range at times lmao.....


Staff member
My rule with neighbors is I mind my business, you mind yours. You need help, I'll help. I need help, I'll never ask. Just cause we live beside one another don't mean we have to be friends.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I do t mind my neighbors. They're both nice people and we've all done a lot for each other over the years. But I'm a firm believer in keeping my nose out of other people's business and I expect the same. My one neighbor is a retired firefighter. In his 20s he got off shift at the station and came home and went to bed. The next evening he went for a jog and had a minor heart attack. Since it was within 48 hours of getting off shift union rules said it was work related. They medically retired him and he's lived off the taxpayers tit the past 30 something years. Nice people just democrats and she is a master gardener. They've never said anything but I know it kills her when they have a garden party and my beds look like a weed farm.

My philosophy with neighbors has always been. "I'll give a damn what you think when your names on the tax bill" and I expect the same attitude from them. I would never say something to a neighbor about something I didn't like. That's your piece of dirt and you have a right to do what you want.


Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
About the only problem I have now with the neighbors is pet related. Good people but their yapping dogs cross the underground fence into my yard that mine can't cross. Therefore my yard gets over fertilized. I caught the neighbor girl kicking one of our dogs when it was a pup. She goes around now...that dog wants to eat her alive.
It helps that the one neighbor boy is locked up now. Cams, stands and gas in out building are safe now.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Most of my neighbors are ok. 2 houses down, husband and wife are cops. Next door is a firefighter, with a smoking hot wife who is a teacher. However, across the street are some really weird religious folks. They called the fire department on me for my fire pit in the back yard. The whole fire department showed up into my cul-de-sac. Made me douse the fire. Its an in ground hand built fire pit. Apparently, in the city of Hamilton, it has to have a chimney. Needless to say, they get the stink eye whenever I see them. I'm not a neighborly person either, I like to stick to myself for the most part, but my wife is a social butterfly, she makes friends wherever she goes. Unfortunately, she drags me into that shit.


Participation Trophy Winner
Just got a new dirty hot, short shorts, tube top wearing straight out of the trailer park neighbor, in the house next to me.
It's gonna be good entertainment!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nothing wrong with that JohnR. Nothing at all.

It sounds like we are really fortunate with our neighbors. Most of them are either a little trashy (old tractors, vehicles, trailers, junk sitting around) or very anal. The more particular ones are also great. They don't judge. They don't complain. They wave when they drive by and occasionally stop to chat. We do the same. Not that we talk every week or even every month, but everyone waves or honks and minds their own. I have plenty of trucks, trailers, and stuff sitting around (all operable and with license plates). Nobody complains to me. I tolerate those with broken down stuff collecting weeds. I am making it sound dumpy when it really isn't too bad (nothing like Redcloud's neighbor), but it is a pretty nice area. Mix of a handful of houses on an acre minimum with agricultural fields. Some of my "neighbors" are 1/2 mile away. We like it.
My inlaws had a doozey several years back. The mother was mid aged and very very big up top but not the good way as you may think because they didn't stay up top, rather they hung pretty low. She never wore a bra and often walked up and down the road and she reminded you of a truck stop lady. One morning I was heading to work and she was out at the end of the driveway getting her morning paper in just a ratty old white T-shirt.....nothing else period, no underwear and no bra.... and the shirt didn't reach her waistline!! Think I'm scarred for life now. LOL they moved to Ohio BTW so some of you may have her as a neighbor now!!


Senior Member
I sit in the middle of a wooded 12.5 acre parcel, 1300 feet off the road. I can't see my neighbors and they can't see me. I only talk to them if I want to seek them out.

My new neighbor is a nice guy with 4 kids my kids play with. They live in a $ 350k + house.

The other neighbor hauled in a new modular and built a garage twice his home's size. He's been there 3 years and hasn't mowed his grass since he moved in, has a semi functional septic system, and has no trash pickup (burns everything including glass, metal, etc. leaving the remnants in his yard).
He's the one that stuck the .308 bullet in my brick house. He's 46, jobless, and still lives with his Mother living on her social security, though he claims he's retired. Always has enough money for cheap whiskey and smokes. A real white trash winner.