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Best Neighbors of TOO


Junior Member
Delaware County
I think we're the neighbor that people wish would leave lol... We live in a pretty nice neighborhood where hunting is pretty much unheard of. We help our neighbors out and are nice but don't get the best looks when we pack our camo and guns or boil deer skulls in the driveway. About ten minutes ago me and my dad were sitting on the back patio practicing with our new elk calls. The neighbors came running into the yard looking like we were torturing animal or something lol. Guess they'd never heard an elk bugle...


Staff member

Lady across from us is a senile widow in her late 70s. Her son does his best to keep up with her yard work, but has a life of his own. She has 300' of ditch/creek in her front yard that we can see very clearly from our house. It's an overgrown mess, or I should say it was. Had enough when I got home today and fired up the Stihl FS90 with the poly head and laid waste to that shit. Got done and the wife asked if I told them I was going to do that. Fugg no, only an asshole would be mad about it and if he is, he can't fugg off. lmao


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My neighbors haven't shoveled their walks I a long time, when I fire up my snowblower it does 6-7 different neighbors sidewalks.... They can do their own drives though lol....


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
My neighbors haven't shoveled their walks I a long time, when I fire up my snowblower it does 6-7 different neighbors sidewalks.... They can do their own drives though lol....

I can relate to that. Couple years ago were setup at the Lima gunshow and it's snowing. The guy next to us gets a phone call from his neighbor wondering when he's going to plow his driveway. He tells him he was 100 miles away and the answer he gets is 'be home soon as I need to get out'.
The kicker is he plowed the guys driveway free for years. He turns to us and said I'll never plow his driveway again and didn't.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can relate to that. Couple years ago were setup at the Lima gunshow and it's snowing. The guy next to us gets a phone call from his neighbor wondering when he's going to plow his driveway. He tells him he was 100 miles away and the answer he gets is 'be home soon as I need to get out'.
The kicker is he plowed the guys driveway free for years. He turns to us and said I'll never plow his driveway again and didn't.

Been there, done that. We have a neighbor like this down the road. She is a user. Cons people into things and uses them up until they run out of kindness to help her out. I have plowed them a couple times upon request. Never billed them. She never offered to pay (which is fine). A simple thank you goes an awful long way sometimes. Even peeking out the door or window to wave or give a thumbs up lets you know it was appreciated. Another neighbor came over to help out once. She came out of the house. He thought she might offer some money, a thank you, or a cup of coffee. Nope. She said "Could you get up here around the walk and doors a little better." Last time he ever helped her. Sad thing is they have a big driveway and this guy was using a snowblower. That is a ton of work and these people have a snow blower of their own which has only been used a few times. Crazy lazy.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
The neighbors I help have always offered money and I've told them I'd stop doing it if they insisted on paying me..... Now cookies, pies and baked goods I don't have a problem with lmao..... Get plenty of those lol.... Especially around the holidays....


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
The one on my left I'm sure is bipolar and suffering from 3 other mental illnesses! I just ignore him and avoid the fucker like the plague.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

Neighbors up the road had a visit by Salems finest Thursday..... Gotta love kids who think they're a bunch of badasses....