We made the trip down Friday morning to give Allen some more stand time in hopes a good one would venture by. He saw a few deer here and there, mostly spikes and button bucks. Does seemed nonexistent and the same with the big boys. He did see a good buck Saturday evening but he was on a mission and grunts made no difference. Weather was definitely the deciding factor. He busted his ass though and tried several different stands, putting his own thoughts into where and why. Definitely thinking like a deer hunter now and not waiting for dad to put him in a spot.
Terry and I worked on leveling the deck on the front of the old cabin on the N end of the farm. It had gotten knocked off its base many years ago and we just hadn’t gotten to it. It’s definitely better than it was, not perfect but it will do and be safer. Last fall Allen slipped on it one evening as we were leaving it as it was a rainy day. I vowed to get it done this year and had Covid not screwed up our spring it would have been done and done right.
For whatever reason I forgot to take a finished pic but this is what the cabin and deck looked like before working on it. Yeah it probably should be torn down (as my step mom keeps insisting) but it’s the last place my dad, Allen and I hunted together and for now it’s still pretty sturdy inside. Just needs some care and work.
I had several other plans for the weekend but we had gotten a call Saturday morning that Terry’s brother had gone into the hospital with an aortic aneurysm, same as what my dad passed from. He was lifeflighted to UofM Hospital where they discovered that not only did he have it in his abdomen he also had a tear in his aorta above his heart. We were in standby thinking we might need to leave at any time but were also told the surgery would last 3-6 hours and no visitors. Almost 7 hours later he was out of surgery and Dr’s prepared his wife and Terry’s mom for the worst. I’ll be damned as Sunday morning he woke up and called Terry’s mom to ask her to tell the hospital he wanted real food and not the popsicles they started giving him!!

Dr said he had an incredible will to survive and they would never have expected to see him awake and talking the very next day!! They already had him up walking yesterday and are thinking he might be home before the weekend.
Just another reason to quit smoking tho for all you smokers out there. Biggest contributing factor in that.
Good way to close out both evenings while we were down.