I used to train and field trial brittany spaniels. If you want your dog to point it's a good idea to introduce a wing on the end of a fishing pole to help bring out that pointing instinct. I am not all that familiar with pointing labs but I'd say the basic training methods should be the same if they point. Move it around and don't let her catch it. You want to flip it out and let it lay there, maybe twitching it slightly to keep her attention, but if she tries to catch it, jerk it away. When she freezes or points use the command "woe" and reward her when she holds her point. I would start with that before introducing her to live birds.
Enjoy your new pup, she is a looker!
Very cool!! Always enjoy watching the pups on here as they grow together. That puddle was PERFECT for her at her size. Loved the swamp brush retrieve.... you handled it perfect with an immediate bumper throw once she came back to ensure a successful retrieve though! Awesome videos. Its def ALOT of fun with these little buggers.
How old is she in the video and whats her weight?
Sarge is 4.5 months and 52lbs already lol!
Perfect size for speed and agility! Sarge is def going to be a work horse but wont have that high end energy, he still gets pumped about training though so I'm sure hunting will be the same. I've been teaching him to watch flying ducks so that he can pick them up before me in the boat. I bought an Avery 30' check cord and Sarge learned quick not to run with a bumper bc it wasn't an option. He will soon be getting collar conditioned and more formal OB.
Must have been windy out!
Good looking pup Jimbo. Always fun to have a pup around!!!