She's going to fill out nicely and become the perfect dog in about 2 years! She's definitely beautiful Jim!!!!
stormGood looking dog, Mike! What's his name? I'd say he's about perfect size for a male Lab.
Thanks, man. I agree... I think she'll settle in right around 45-50 pounds when it's all said and done. Ideal weight for me. Had a good training session tonight... Ran her on a 6 or 8 "back" blinds and she did great. I decided to test her with a couple true blind retrieves. Wifey took her walking the other direction so Betty couldn't see me set the bumpers 60 yds away. I brought her to heel, said "dead bird," "Back!" and she took off like a rocket... all the way to the pile and back to heel. Threw a fun bumper and ended the session. Life is good.
Great stuff Jim!
So your saying you don't want 100 pounds of lab like the monstrosity I have to deal with?!? Good luck finding room for him in a blind! Talk about a bull in a china closet!!!
Great looking dog LD, love the block head! Im ready to get my knucklehead back and get back after it. Ready to put some feathers in his mouth TOO!!!
He looks like a real ball of fire! lol Is that a basset? I've always thought they were cool dogs.
lmaoYep a basset. Biggest 10 minute burst of energy you'll ever see. Jess tried to take her on a walk last year around the block. She made it about 400 yards and Bella straight laid down. They could still see the house. Lol
72 pounds!?!?