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Boarhead's Coyote and other critter's snaring.2015-2016


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had this male today,he was choked out so saved me a 22.lol
First one this yr at the big farm.
Must have wrapped up quick cuz he didn't destroy the area so I was able to put a reset right back in.
That is four for my first week out this year, pretty happy with that for just having a few snares out,going to try and get some more set when I get a chance.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I still have my memory giles.lol
Ha! we were doing a deer drive one yr and a buddy walked into one and thought he was hung up on a vine,jerked his foot to get loose and fell on his face.
Once i knew he was fine i lmao,so did he.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I still have my memory giles.lol
Ha! we were doing a deer drive one yr and a buddy walked into one and thought he was hung up on a vine,jerked his foot to get loose and fell on his face.
Once i knew he was fine i lmao,so did he.

That hilarious! I'm sure it happens.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Been slow last two days,caught one coon and had a beaver get out yesterday.
Did take my turkey hunting buddy of 30 yrs Dale along today to show him how to put sets in.
We saw lots of mink tracks today so he wants to catch some,he just retired so he is going to make some mink boxes and we are going to put some mink sets in next week.
Oh yea i call him Si from Duck Dynasty. His beard is better than Si's.loluploadfromtaptalk1452023600881.jpg


Senior Member
speaking of Minks, I found a dead Mink in the middle of squirrel woods yesterday. was in fine shape, could not have been there more than a day or two and was nearly frozen solid. no signs of injury or anything that I could see. seriously considered putting in my vest and skinning it at home, but dog was treed, so I didn't mess with it. do minks get distemper or something that kills them?


Staff member
Been slow last two days,caught one coon and had a beaver get out yesterday.
Did take my turkey hunting buddy of 30 yrs Dale along today to show him how to put sets in.
We saw lots of mink tracks today so he wants to catch some,he just retired so he is going to make some mink boxes and we are going to put some mink sets in next week.
Oh yea i call him Si from Duck Dynasty. His beard is better than Si's.lolView attachment 40513
Same dude we talked about the other day?