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Boarhead's Coyote and other critter's snaring.2015-2016


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had an exciting morning checking snares today.
Saw 2 sets of tracks in the snow and caught both of them about 80 yds apart from each other,a male and female.
The big male was pissed off and growling,barking and howling at me, i could hear the female howling also so knew i had caught two.
Well i got a little lazy and wasn't paying as good of attention as i should have been and the big fugger lunged at me,woke me up quick but the fugger still ripped my carhartts.
Damn they have some sharp teeth,if i would have been a half second slower he would have got a nice chunk of my leg.
Lesson learned.
I believe i have only had 3 ever try and biteme out of 117.
That wont happen again, i hope.lol
This is the male
This is the femaleuploadfromtaptalk1453130891163.jpguploadfromtaptalk1453130913408.jpguploadfromtaptalk1453130929494.jpguploadfromtaptalk1453130943071.jpg
My carharrts.uploadfromtaptalk1453130973342.jpg


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
That's what I'm talking about, a little excitement in the morning! Who needs coffee? Good on you Brian, that female looks like a big old breeder bitch.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Whoa. That will get the heart crankin'. Glad he didn't get to your leg. Rick said he is glad the yote didn't get to your purty face. lmao

They both looked pretty good sized. Keep up the good work!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow.... Glad he didn't find skin in that bite!!!! Stay on your toes there buddy.... Congrats on the twofer.....


Junior Member
N.E. Ohio
If you are getting within bite range for the benefit of pictures for us, STOP! Pretty sure we can wait until they are sleeping for some close ups. :smiley_bril: