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Boarhead's Coyote Snaring 2014


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Been slow the last couple of days.Going to take one of my wifes coworkers out in the morning to check and show him how to set snares.Be good to have one more guy out there trying to take out some yotes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
securedownload[2] (30).jpgsecuredownload[1] (57).jpgsecuredownload[1] (55).jpgsecuredownload[1] (56).jpgWell went out today and took Ryan a coworker of my wife Lisa's with me to show him how to set snares and we caught a male yote this morning. He had a blast and am glad we had one so he could see how they are caught. That is 15 for the season so far including the one I shot during bow season. Saw several trails they are making coming into an old deer carcass so will let them get comfortable with coming to it for another day or two and then set some more snares on the new trails and hopefully nail a few more. It is always fun having someone along with me while checking and fun to teach someone how I do my snares. Nothing better and more satisfying than passing it on to other people and then watching them succeed at it.


Senior Member
Athens County
Great stuff! I love them up close and personsl pics. The guy you took with ya looks ready to make an athletic move in the pic with him and the yote.

Its great how you take folks with ya. Not enough people are willing to do that kind of thing .

Keep it up!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Perfect timing on that yote! Bet that made the day for both of you!!
Yes it was fun to see some one new to it get excited. Going to pull out of the big farm this week as have not seen any tracks there in awhile and think I have thinned them out there and just concentrate on my bowhunting farm as a lot of tracks there and have caught the last two there. Will leave a dozen or so on the family farm as I am now starting to see more tracks there where they have been In hunting rabbits. Hopefully will catch several more there also.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great job! I finally got some out over the last two days. I didn't set many, but I think I set the dozen or so I set in the right places. I expect to kill some this week.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Made it out today and pulled all my snares out of the big farm. Damn that ground is like concrete, Got some stakes out but will have to go back after the ground thaws some to get the rest. Going to try and get a dozen or so set on the other farm tomorrow or Thursday. Lots of tracks there so should be good for a few more catches.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
securedownload[1] (58).jpgsecuredownload[4] (4).jpgMade it over to the other farm yesterday and set a few. Saw a few new trails and put a couple snares on them and caught this male today. Will try and get a dozen or so set there tomorrow. Just two more away from my goal I set when I started so pretty happy about that. Hopefully will catch them soon would have passed it if not for the 4 that chewed out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I did take another friend and his daughter out with me the other day and showed them how to snare and he went home and ordered material for snaring so will have another one out there taking out some yotes.