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Brock/Mason 2020

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason and I have been squirrel hunting the last couple evenings. We’ve killed 9. Five hours in a slow cooker, then to the pizza shop for sauces and final bake. Delicious. Thanks Jamie for the idea.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
With the exception of the canned squirrel Jamie gave us, Ive hated squirrel every time I’ve tried it until today. I took the big slow cooker out to the cave last night to cook them. Mason and I were busy shooting bows and then squirrel hunting for the last hour of daylight. When we came home, the cave smelled like Thanksgiving. And to think, it was rats...😁

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I’m not saying it was the best thing I’ve ever eaten... but it was a long way from the worst. One of the really squeamish girls at the shop was dared into trying a tiny bite. She would up eating several entire quarters. It really was good and a reasonable way to utilize the rats, which makes me happy because I love to shoot them!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We took advantage of the cool morning. Mason called in and shot two coyotes that were passing by out of range. He shot the one pictured in the face at under 20 yards. It’s buddy scampered off so he didn’t bother to look for it but he shot it twice with a 20 gauge at close range and was certain he hit it well. Seven rats today along with four from the other evening will be going in the slow cooker to make hot wings/legs for a social gathering of rednecks tonight. Should be enjoyable to see the wives eating rats. 😁. We will not be trying the coyote...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Haven’t updated lately. We’ve been hunting. Mason has been going a lot more than I have. Last night I spent more time scouting than actually waiting for a deer to show up. It paid off. I watched four bucks stroll into a bean field we’ve been overlooking. One of them I believe was JR, Mason’s target that he really would like to see live another year or two. I sent him in there tonight but they didn’t come out before dark.
I went to a stand we set last year. It’s at an intersection of fencerows with a heck of a heavy trail running through the gap. Provides a twenty yard shot, easy in and out. Just a great spot. I got in about 6, cause I like being late to everything. As soon as I hung my bow I saw a coyote working the bean field. I hoped he would make his way over to me but before he ever did a big old line doe come strolling into the gap. I waited for her to get in the opening and shot her through the heart at a shade over 20 yards. She took off with the string tracker peeling line. She ran straight away for a little before turning back into the bean field where she stopped, looked around and dropped dead. I used the string tracker because I was afraid I wouldn’t have much of a blood trail with these relatively small two blade heads. It was probably one of the better blood trails I’ve ever had. It was fun, and I was happy to see that my little 40 lb bow will indeed kill a deer stone dead. I can’t believe string trackers aren’t more popular in today’s world. Honestly, For anyone shooting short range only, I don’t see a reason not to use them.
Here’s some pics-


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Well hell, all the fun and the mess lol. Way to go Brock, congrats on an awesome harvest with the trad. gear!.

I have never heard of the string tracker to be honest. The first picture I saw it and and figured you busted out a string to get the travel distance accurately measured lol. Then I was thinking hell, not a bad idea to use a bow fishing setup, but curious why.....learn something new everyday!