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chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I’ll be alright, just do like I did the other day if it’s that bad...put the beer down.
When I quit drinking I pretty much completely stayed away from anyone that was drinking. Would probably be a good idea to keep your distance from anyone that's got a cig fired up.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So after drinking this evening I’m sitting in bed more pissed off then I’ve been in a long time. Still no nicotine though...

You got this. Probably just a withdraw symptom. It will get better. It did when I quit chewing back around 95 or 96. Kicked it for a year. Wish I never went back. Stupid Lt kept tempting me. Must of caught me in a weak moment because I never listened to butter bars any other time.
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Senior Member
So after drinking this evening I’m sitting in bed more pissed off then I’ve been in a long time. Still no nicotine though...
for me the first two weeks were the worst. I was like an angry bear the whole time. anxious, nervous, pissed off with a throbbing headache for about 10 days. advil, coffee, liquor, archery kept me on track. stay busy doing constructive things away from people smoking. after a couple weeks it got easier everyday. most difficult part for me was at work. painting can be quite boring and repetitious, and that's when I chewed the most. I chawed on sunflower seeds or chewed gum instead. you got this.
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