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chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc


Senior Member
Shit gets real starting today. A few months back I decided I was really going to put those cigarettes down this time. I slowed down to a point that it really wasn’t worth buying them all the time anymore. When I got a few beers or around some friends is when it would get tough and I’d smoke a bunch. Just couldn’t get over that last hump.
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I hit my four year nicotine free anniversary back in July. don't miss it at all any more. I remember when I was in high school my Dad quit smoking. he smoked for over 25 years, since he was 14 years old, and used Nicorette gum, which was a very new concept at the time back in the mid 80's. I was really proud of him since I had never seen him without a pack of Kool's in my entire 15 years.

quitting is easy, not starting again is the hard part as long as some part of you still wants to. will take more than patches to quit for real. you have to make up you mind that you don't want or need to do it any more, ever.

I never smoked, so I've always found cigarette smoke offensive, but nowadays the smell of Copenhagen makes me want to puke. the 15 or so pounds I gained that first year is nearly gone now, too.

Hello, my name is Jamie and I'm an asshole and I still drink too much, but I'm tobacco and nicotine free. good luck and stay strong, bro.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I was 13 when I got my first pack, 38 now and have stopped several times. This time is for real. I’ve smoked more years of my life then I haven’t, time to swing those numbers the other way. I have a daughter that’s 13 now and can’t wven think about her starting this habit. My motivation this time is different then it has ever been.

Told myself I was gonna quit when they hit $2 a pack...20+ years I’ve lied to myself, that stops today.


Ass Regulator
I quit about 40 years ago when my son picked up a stick an started imitating me smoking. At the time is substituted dip and did that for a long time. It was a rough one to stay off that Cophenhagen and like Jamie the smell has now become more than offensive. I do however enjoy a cigar with a bit of bourbon and the only thing I have in common with one of our former presidents... I don't inhale ;)


Active Member
The Hills
I stopped smoking cigarettes for the final time 7 years ago, just never got another pack. Wasn't planned or anything at all. Luckily I don't really have much of an addictive personality or I'm sure I would have started back up, especially during my drinking days. Nothing goes better with drinking than a pack or two. In the last few years I have started smoking cigars however, couple a month. I really can't stand cigarette smoke anymore. Gives me a headache.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good luck Dave! You got this buddy👍🏻

Jamie,Ron and I quit dipping around the same time. If we can do this you can do this. Stay strong.
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The headache started last night...pretty sure it’s from the patch. I’ll be able to handle it fore a few days, but if it doesn’t stop, I’ll have to stop sticking it on.

Also drank some beers today, not a lot, but enough that the urge to smoke came. I chose to put the beer down this time.
Stick it out man, you’ll get there. First 3 days are the worst. For me the hardest thing is not smoking when I drink. You got this!
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