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cold shot

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yo Miller, thanks for starting this. I've always told myself I'd do better if I only shot one arrah a day. I've just never been able to stop myself from shooting until I go to crap...

I shot 5 today, the same arrow 5 times. Here is the first, the rest were about the same.


Supporting Member
Ross County
This is why I've never hunted with a stick bow. As much as I respect the hell out of you guys for doing it the hard way, it's only mildly appealing to me beyond just dicking off. I'm addicted to the pursuit of perfection, which is something I feel a compound offers me that I simply don't get in the same way with a stick bow. 40 yards is roughly my limit for hunting. This is the first shot of the night and done with a self-induced elevated heart rate.

Everyone has that thing about archery that attracts them to it. For me, stacking shafts at 40, 50, 60 yards is what gets my rocks off. I fully expect that to change someday, however, and that's why I treasure that gift for Mully. I owe him a kill and it'll happen one day.

View attachment 63977

Do you normally shoot without a quiver attached?