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Cotty's Hunt Journal


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I am here to tell you the deer are loaded with fat this year in my area.

same here. I could hardly tell the difference between gut and fat when i was dressing mine.

I think you guys stand a decent chance in finding this deer tomorrow. Good luck again.

I agree, thats a lot of blood for a briskit hit.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
How did the blood look Mike? Any bubbles at all? I am here to tell you the deer are loaded with fat this year in my area. The first two I killed this year had very little blood on the arrows. The first one had nearly none yet I hit lung and took out the bottom of the heart. Fat wiped it clean on exit. I don't say this to sound like an expert because I am far from it. I say it simply as a way to leave you with some optimism.

One bed had bubbles in the blood. It was the last pic I posted. Hard to tell, but lots of little bubbles.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The problem is, we lost the blood trail. We were going to back out either way, but wanted to locate blood one more time at a fork in the trail. Never did figure out which way he went. It's going to be a grid search tomorrow.

Will peroxide still work a day later after frost?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Yes it will Mike........If it looks like blood at all~~spray it! It takes a second or three to foam up.

I usually do about 20 yds on each trail at a time until I find some blood.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My doe today was high/back on one lung and liver hit. She barely bled. Bedded and I watched her bed. Figured that was it. Both fawns left on impact, then looped back around. Momma never got up. I figured she was done. I saw her head lay down. Good sign! Fawns went about feeding. I figured she was dead at this point. They fed at least 20min. We are at 30-45min after shot and this big beeyotch got up! Saw her go 5-10yds and watched some brush shake. Figured she crashed there. Couldn't see her behind it. Finally snuck out. Came back 3 hours after the shot. She had gotten up one more time. I found one bed with so-so blood. Upon leaving this bed I saw a few drops here and there for maybe 10yds and lost it again. I just kept on the line she was traveling and found her about 20yds beyond the last bed. She had kept most of the blood inside her but she was plenty stiff and dead.

I am thinking like Dante. He is dead. Bubbles? Multiple beds? I think you are going to find that buck in the morning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
First thing on my mind this morning is hoping you can find that deer....Got one to go look for myself......I'll be carrying my peroxide as well......Good Luck As Always.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No luck on Kody's buck. We zig zagged as much as we could through the thick shit, walked the lakeside, creek bottom, opposite hill. No trace.
Pretty sick over the whole thing. I should've stuck to my guns and made him wait the whole day if we had to.

Hopefully he lived since he quit bleeding.

Saw 3 bucks and 3 doe this morning while on stand. 2 looked to be shooters.
The doe were all alone in their threesome. Of course, they're the ones that offered me a chip shot.

Back in the stand now. Hunting the field edge for Outback and Texas 9.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, son of a bitch, I missed a great buck tonight. I'll get to that in a second...

This morning I had a wide 8 point working a trail above me. He stopped to make a few rubs, but never responded to any calls. Another buck about the same time came down from that trail and skirted the inner edge of a thicket. I never did see how big he was. The final buck of the morning snuck through below me at the lake edge. He looked good, but wasn't positive. Also had 3 doe come by and tyehy were the only ones that were in range.

This evening I hunted the field edge in search of Outback or the Texas 9. What happened was totally off the script. At about 4:30 I catch movement in the tall weeds about 75 yards to my left. It's a tall racked 6 point. I figure I'll mess with him a bit as he is heading toward the swampy lake in the middle of the field. I grunt at him. He looks my way, but never respnds. Just then I hear a grunt come from behind me down in this steep bowl. I can hear footsteps, but can't find the buck in the thick stuff. I grunt, he grunts, I grunt, he grunts, I grunt... nothing. He shuts up... so do I. It's now a waiting game to see what buck is doing the grunting. I hear nothing for about 30 minutes. I finally decide to tickle the horns a little. Knowing that buck is down there somewhere just standing, I hide the horns in front of my legs and lightly rattle. As soon as I finsh about a 1 minute sequence I hear walking again. It seems to be heading up the hill to my left, then nothing.

Finally at about 5:20 I catch movement where I first saw the 6 point. It's a buck and a big one at that. A real tall 9 point (bigger than the Texas 9) with 5" brows and a sticker off his right G2 is scanning the field for what was making the ruckus. I quickly hit the grun tube and he looks my direction. He does a 90 degree turn and heads right for me. It's on! He starts angling my way then makes another turn so he's walking broadside. He passes behind a big cluster of multiflora and I draw. He makes way into a shooting lane at what I estimate to be 35 yards. BAAP! He freezes... I release. He bounds away down toward the lake and stops and looks back. Did I miss him? I look through thye binos and he appears fine.

I hit the grunt call. He lowers his head and starts back. Time for a second chance. I nock another arrow as he closes the distance. He then starts to veer to my right... no shot. He stops about 60 yards away and starts thrashing trees. I grunt... he stops... he snort wheezes, and starts thrashing again. In my mind I'm thinking, "are you fucking kidding me????"

I snort wheeze and he stops thrashing and turns for the woods. By now it is pretty damn dark and even if he came closer I wouldn't be able to shoot. As I am climbing down my stand I can hear him grunitng and walking toward my stand inside the woodline. There is a small hillside and thicket between us, so I hurried down the tree and got out before he pinpointed me.

I had my chance at a great 9 pointer and blew it. I'm not sure if I missed high or low because I never even saw my arrow fly. It was just before last shooting time and, although I could see him fine in my sights, I just didn;t see the flight of the arrow (time for lighted nocks). If I had to guess, with him in an open field, I probably misjudged the distance and he was more like 40 or 50 yards. I have all the trees around me measured out with a range finder, but there is nothing to guage the open field. I messed up... bottom line.

I'm sick about it, but at least I didn't put a bad hit on him. It's been a rough couple of days. Kody hit one that we lost and I flat out missed.

Back at it in the morning!

Hours on stand: 51.5
AM Sits: 5
PM Sits: 9
All Day Sits: 3
Bucks: 17
Doe: 29
Shooters: 4 plus 1 borderline
Harvests: 1 (Klay)
Coyotes: 1
Idiots: 1


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang Mike! Maybe you can find your arrow sometime and determine if it was high or low. It's probably next to impossible to find it but worth a try. Sorry to hear this dude! Soooooo close! Maybe you get another chance this weekend! Good luck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hate this quiet time in the woods. Now is when you relive that miss over and over again. The plus side is it was probably the best encounter I've ever had with a buck. The way the was acting and responding to calls. Everything was textbook minus the shot. He was in a foul mood. Lol

Just a major kick in the nuts when you work so hard and Fugg up your chance. Sometimes we don't get any chances. Sometimes it's only one.