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Cotty's Hunt Journal


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang Mike, sounds like some lockdown might be happening in that area. That 9 acted like he was near a doe. They don't always stand on top of her or next to them but usually within 30 yards or so. Just keep sticking with it buddy. Good luck tomorrow you guys!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Moved my creek stand out to the oak flat yesterday evening. Why not sooner? No idea...

This morning I hunted it.
Saw 5 doe that came in from all directions and congregated at my stand. One even sniffed my ladder. Then a frisky 7 point came in and chased them around for a good 2 hours. He ran those poor doe around in circles forever.

On the downside, kody didn't see a thing. I feel awful for him. He's hunting his ass off and not seeing much action at all. He's in one of my favorite spots. Can't figure it out.

This evening I sat with him. We got skunked but jumped 2 on the way in.

On the bright side, the buck he hit last Thursday is alive and well. Notice the gash in his front left elbow. Now we know why he bled so bad.

I hope Kody cashes in on a nice buck. He deserves it with all the time he's putting in.

Hours on stand: 70
AM Sits: 7
PM Sits: 14
All Day Sits: 3
Bucks: 23
Doe: 39
Shooters: 4 plus 2 borderline
Harvests: 1 (Klay)
Coyotes: 1
Idiots: 3
Last edited:

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great to see that buck, Mike. That's probably a great relief to all involved! Sounds like the move was a good choice too!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here is video of the 7 grunting yesterday. Very near the beginning you can hear him grunt loud. Then around 45 seconds you catch a glimpse of him, but can't really make out what he is.

He offered multiple shots while I was on stand. This video was shot as I was walking out. I heard him grunt on a ridge halfway down the hill on the opposite side of my stand. So, I figured I'd get some audio of him showing off.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Very cool stuff Mike! The cow bawl like grunt can be heard easily at the 10 second mark. Glad to also see that the 7 point is ok. Hope Kody gets another shot before the fat lady sings. Goodluck to you and your family buddy.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Back to the field edge tonight. 4 doe came from across the field and fed in the lake bottom. 2 deer followed the woods line to me right at dark. One was a doe. Not sure of the other.

Hours on stand: 72
AM Sits: 7
PM Sits: 15
All Day Sits: 3
Bucks: 23
Doe: 45
Shooters: 4 plus 2 borderline
Harvests: 1 (Klay)
Coyotes: 1
Idiots: 3


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang, it's been awhile since I've updated. Gun week sucked. Saw some deer that Monday and that was pretty much it and I hunted every evening and the weekend.

Bonus weekend was uneventful as well, but I did catch a glimpse of Jagger sneaking through the thickets.

Went out this evening to try and take advantage of a little snow. Got skunked.

Been a difficult season, that's for sure.

Hours on stand: 110
AM Sits: 8
PM Sits: 20
All Day Sits: 4
Bucks: 25
Doe: 68
Shooters: 5 plus 2 borderline
Harvests: 1 (Klay)
Coyotes: 2 (one hit in the ass)
Idiots: 4

My deer numbers at this point are a little off and I probably under estimated the doe since I'm going off of memory. The bucks are accurate though.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Can't say you haven't been trying Mike! You've hunted your ass off this season. Way to be resilient and positive buddy! Good luck in your future hunts.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Were there any tracks around? Start dumping corn if you haven't already. Those things will come to easy food this time of year, and when it gets so freaking cold your nostrils freeze, you can actually kill them! Nothing will put them on their feet before sundown like food in cold weather.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
^^^^^^what Brock said^^^^^^^

Keep at it Mike! I know it's frustrating man but it could still happen. Try to keep telling yourself its going to happen AND enjoy the quiet and beauty that surrounds you. We've all been there in your shoes buddy! If its possible for you to start a pile of whole ear corn, it could be just what you need to tip the odds in your favor. I'm still pulling for ya. Good luck buddy!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Mike the easiest thing too do is too give it up and stay in a nice warm house.... but if you stick with it it'll work out..... and it'll be that kuch sweeter.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Were there any tracks around? Start dumping corn if you haven't already. Those things will come to easy food this time of year, and when it gets so freaking cold your nostrils freeze, you can actually kill them! Nothing will put them on their feet before sundown like food in cold weather.

There were fresh tracks going right past my stand. I put corn out this afternoon.

I won't give up. I can't. It's not in me, but it's been frustrating. I just can't believe I don't see deer moving in this spot. It drives me insane.