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Dad’s Cabin Build


Senior Member
Kingston, OH

They got the 4x6 second story joists up. He alternated ash and maple.


Senior Member
Kingston, OH
Remind me: this is a "getaway cabin"? Not going to be their permanent residence? Because it is pretty pimp for a cabin. He isn't halfway doing it. Looks like he knows his stuff.

Oh, dad would live up there no doubt. Don’t think he could talk mom into it. No water is the biggest issue.
I’m busting at the seams proud of my parents for building it. I’m pretty torn up I can’t help right now due to the virus....

Dad is one of the most intelligent men I know on this earth. He can literally do anything. His dad (96) is the same way. Just cut from a different cloth. They are so patient and plan everything out. Growing up he used to tell my brother and I that he didn’t intend on learning all these skills he was just to poor to pay someone to do anything. I grew up his shadow and wish I would’ve retained more than I did. Mom is such a hard worker too. She makes a great teammate for dad and keeps him in line.

Like dad said, he could buy all the lumber or a cabin kit. It’s not about the money for him as he can afford it now. It’s the experience and his legacy he’s goin after.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Let the virus pass. Then soak up every moment you can with him. My dad was very similar. I think the saying is: Necessity is the mother of all invention.

Dirt floor poor. His parents were raised in the depression. The traits carried on to him. Loved the wood working, building, drawing up blue prints, etc. Really an engineering mind. He would have truly appreciated watching a project like this unfold. Or better yet, to join in. This really is a thing of beauty your parents are doing.