I had a pic of myself on one of my cams this year tracking a deer after dark in ir and my fleece jacket and pants were glowing while the cotton shirt I had on under my jacket was not and you could clearly see the camo pattern. All my clothes are washed together in the same detergent so my guess is, at least in ir mode, is that it has more to do with the material than the detergent. Don't know what that means to a deer but I've had multiple deer look right at me at close range and go right back to what they were doing. I've also had deer spook from seeing me so who knows. I do know this. I have never had a buck, that I could see, spook from either seeing or smelling me. Every time I've ever had deer spook from either, as long as I wasn't moving, it was a doe. I had a stand a couple years ago that was less hidden than I would have liked but it was my only option. I had 5 bucks around me at one time and was honestly moving quite a bit and not one of them ever spotted me. The first doe that showed up spotted me within seconds even though I wasn't moving and spooked out. The bucks never moved and just watched her run off. I really have no idea what the heck is going on with deer most of the time but I just try to camo up as good as I can and try to stay as scent free as I can and hope for the best. As has been mentioned before, I try to keep my movements slow and minimal.