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Diablo 2011 hunt log


Senior Member
Had an awesome hunt yesterday! Thanks guys! Started off with a 6pt xoming through at 8:30 then at 9 i had 4 does come from the point to my left..they were all calm and feeding,then they took off while checking behind thema 120 inch 8 ran over the hill and started chasing them..30 min later here tey came over the hill right under my stand..the buck wasnt with them but i could still hear him chasing on the point..the does eventually wandered off and then a 100in 8 came running in to chase those does..after things had calmed down i heard something behind me i look back and theres a lone doe coming up the trail..idebated on shooting and almost didnt but at 7 yards quartered away i couldnt hold myself back..i drew anchored and picked a spot..burried into the fletching i could see the blood pumping on impact! After 30 min i got down and followed the blood trail for 50 yards..i ha just found my arrow when a buck chases a doe right on top of me!! I decided to back out and me and moundhill came back 2.5 hrs later..thanks to moubdhills eyes we were able to follow the trail 250 yards where we found her laying completely underwater in the creek.. Thanks for the help moundhill!


Senior Member
Liver and 1 lung


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Senior Member
It's been awhile since I have done any updates. Parents were on a cruise all week and hunting time was limited because I was watching the Lil bro.

Thursday Night: Wen't to our property and was walking through a big field to get to my stand. I could just barely see my stand when 5 does took off that were right under it. I decided I would Just get in the loft of the barn where I had a 20 yard shot to the lick. Around 5:30 I could see a buck chasing a doe around in the tall weedy field. Around 6 3 does came out 150 yards away. Then around 6:15 I saw deer coming right past my stand. It was the same 5 does that I had spooked out earlier. They came right to the lick where I had 15 yard shots at all of them. I couldnt bring myself to do it. They left and 10 min later a 5 point came to the lick and did the same. Things calmed down and I noticed that on the opposite loft of the barn there was a noose hanging from the rafters. It was right on the edge where you could push someone off and kill them. I dunno what it was for but it was odd. I'll get a pic the next time I hunt that area.

Saturday Morning:sat where I killed my doe last weekend. Right at first light I could here a buck grunting and chasing a doe. Other then that and squirrels there was no action.

Saturday night: Hunted a great spot, Found some acorns next to the stand. Didn't see a thing until 7pm when I heard a buck chasiing a doe over the hill.

I have a doctors app tomm so It looks like I'll be on stand again in the am


Senior Member
Got to my stand and noticed theres a big scrape 5 steps from my stand..felt confident then when i was just to my platform here comes the landowner in his truck..i climbed down and moved to a stand 300 yds away. As soon as i was hookin up my HSS here comes a doe..she came running in all alone. Other than that its been uneventful


Senior Member
Wednesday night. 3bucks. 4d rattled in a basket 8.

Thurs am-3 bucks. 2 shooters fought in field. 4pt 10 yds.

Fri am 8 does so far


Senior Member
Ended up seeing 2 more does and 2 bucks also this am.

Dads trail cam hanging skill haha


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