How many asked for permission to propose?
Somewhere along the line, I became deadly serious about asking permission before proposing. It's just somethng I firmly believe in. I actually asked her grandfather (mom's dad) and both her parents before proposing. She is really close to her maternal grandfather and he is a man's man. Her dad, well... He is a really nice guy, just a friggin' goober. So I felt like I had to crack the tough cookie first and asked grandpa for his blessing before talking to her parents. I was nervous as hell, but grandpa has always been my buddy. I lost my grandfather two years before we started dating, so her grandpa has been like a grandpa to me along the way. Once I got his blessing, I stopped by her parents place and got theirs. Two days later, I proposed on the back of a four-wheeler! Didn't even get on one knee AND I prefaced it with: "Before I go any further, you do understand that deer hunting is my first love and will always be of the upmost importance to me right?!?"
I'm such a romantic!!!
Somewhere along the line, I became deadly serious about asking permission before proposing. It's just somethng I firmly believe in. I actually asked her grandfather (mom's dad) and both her parents before proposing. She is really close to her maternal grandfather and he is a man's man. Her dad, well... He is a really nice guy, just a friggin' goober. So I felt like I had to crack the tough cookie first and asked grandpa for his blessing before talking to her parents. I was nervous as hell, but grandpa has always been my buddy. I lost my grandfather two years before we started dating, so her grandpa has been like a grandpa to me along the way. Once I got his blessing, I stopped by her parents place and got theirs. Two days later, I proposed on the back of a four-wheeler! Didn't even get on one knee AND I prefaced it with: "Before I go any further, you do understand that deer hunting is my first love and will always be of the upmost importance to me right?!?"