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Did you ask permission?


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
How many asked for permission to propose?

Somewhere along the line, I became deadly serious about asking permission before proposing. It's just somethng I firmly believe in. I actually asked her grandfather (mom's dad) and both her parents before proposing. She is really close to her maternal grandfather and he is a man's man. Her dad, well... He is a really nice guy, just a friggin' goober. So I felt like I had to crack the tough cookie first and asked grandpa for his blessing before talking to her parents. I was nervous as hell, but grandpa has always been my buddy. I lost my grandfather two years before we started dating, so her grandpa has been like a grandpa to me along the way. Once I got his blessing, I stopped by her parents place and got theirs. Two days later, I proposed on the back of a four-wheeler! Didn't even get on one knee AND I prefaced it with: "Before I go any further, you do understand that deer hunting is my first love and will always be of the upmost importance to me right?!?" :D I'm such a romantic!!!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
My wife actually lost her father and grandfather in the two consecutive years before I proposed... but after 8 years dating, family members were actually dropping hints "ok man it's time already"... LOL. That and I had a great relationship with her dad and he was a friend of my dads so I know deep down I had his blessing. I think her mom was as excited as she was when she found out!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
How many asked for permission to propose?

I proposed on the back of a four-wheeler! Didn't even get on one knee AND I prefaced it with: "Before I go any further, you do understand that deer hunting is my first love and will always be of the upmost importance to me right?!?" :D I'm such a romantic!!!

That's a classic!!! Straight out of a romance novel Jessie!! I like your style!


Senior Member
It's been 9 years now...and you know what, I forgot to ask her Dad.
She was an independent, mature, girl so she knew what she was doing.
I guess I'm stuck with her now.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
lol...I was going going to but every one said don't he doesn't like to talk about that stuff, he raised his girls to be independent and my wife and I had talked about it before she knew I wads going to do it because I felt I should and she said no don't do that. So I didn't ....and the in-laws knew some thing was up but I had already proposed and the mothe in law said Tom you need to talk to Ryan and so he thought I was gonna ask not knowing that I had already did. So I let him talk and than when he was done I said thank you but you might want to look at kates finger lol....He just started laughing!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Yeah I asked...big ol' tough son of a bitch hunter of a guy too...I had never hunted before marrying into her family. I remember being nervous as hell. We were out on the deck grilling.

Got the green light, popped the question, started hunting and now I am addicted (to her and the hunting). The best is I can always lean on her parents for support when it comes to hunting. Alyssa told me no all day sits just before season started...her dad told her "Now Alyssa, you grew up in our house, you know the rules when it comes to hunting..."


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I had always planned on asking. But the more I got to know my fil the less respect I had for him. I decided fuck him he has no say in this anyway. He asked me why I did not ask him and I told him why, he said well I guess I understand.


Ass Regulator
I had always planned on asking. But the more I got to know my fil the less respect I had for him. I decided fuck him he has no say in this anyway. He asked me why I did not ask him and I told him why, he said well I guess I understand.

Now that's better....no way Swoon was gonna give us some long ass story bout talkin with his future FIL while sittin in the den with their ascots an silk smokin jackets :smiley_bril:


Removed by Request.
I asked for permission from both her parents. When her other sisters got engaged the men didn't want to ask, but the sisters said: "John asked for permission and now you better too!" Lol! I guess I set the precedent.

Truth be told, I doubt many ask for permission these days. I just thought it was the right thing to do, of course I've always been an old fashioned-conservative type of guy. Having respect for the wife's parents is just as important as having respect for the wife. After all, they raised her and she is a direct representation of her parents.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was in the same boat as swantucky. My FIL is a fuggin goober too. He does nothing but bullshit you in every conversation... but it's not even remotely believable... it's just all ridiculous shit. And the sumbeech borrowed 800 bucks from me when he was supposedly about to lose his house... that was 4 years ago and I still haven't seen a dime of it paid back to me. Effff that. My wife's uncles, aunts, and grandparents are all great people, though. They actually asked me when I was going to marry her. I didn't need her dad's permission because I really don't have much respect for the guy.