The wife and I were just talking about this last night... our daughter is only 3, so we're a ways off from any of the teen age drama. I'm not looking forward to it... at all. She's definitely "daddy's little girl" right now, but eventually that will fade away, and like RedCloud mentioned, I'll be dropped off of the cool list.
I do know one thing. I plan on using what ever technique is necessary to make sure the boys she brings over keep in line. I am not at all opposed to intimidation tactics, and trying to scare the living shit out of any of them. My wife was jokin' around in describing me, sitting in the dark room cleaning guns and sharpening knives when it's date night for our little girl. She doesn't realize how accurate she was.... :smiley_bril:
I have an even better tactic then that one lol. It's kind of funny that the girls have tossed me off their cool list but their friends still like me lol. The friends will give me pretty much any info on the boys if I ask them. The wife and I don't tell our daughters where we get the info that we get but they do know we can find out just about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING lol.
My 14yr old daughter was on the phone just Monday night talking to a boy. Now, when girls get on the phone they tend to talk really loud and giggle and all that stuff. I just happened to be on FB while she was talking to this boy and heard her say his first name. I look over on her friends list on FB and found the little punk lol. I yelled across the room and said loud enough he could hear me as well " Tell so and so I said hello and that I found him on FB " The kid freaked and hung up lol. Apparently boys don't like to find out the girls parents aren't stupid and can find things out LMAO
The best was when my sister had some things stolen out of her car one evening including some of my nephews (he's 5) toys he had just purchased at Wal-Mart with his own money. Both our girls sat here in the house and watched me make phone calls and look things up on the computer and had the scum bags address and telephone number in 45 minutes lol. Within an hour we had my sister and nephews things back lol. Both the girls sat here with their jaws on the floor scratching their heads and thinking " how the hell did he just do that. "
AH the fear lol. They both think I can find out what they have done before they are even done doing so, that stops them from getting into too much when that little voice in their heads keep telling them " Don't do it because they will find out"