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Fathers and daughters


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The wife and I were just talking about this last night... our daughter is only 3, so we're a ways off from any of the teen age drama. I'm not looking forward to it... at all. She's definitely "daddy's little girl" right now, but eventually that will fade away, and like RedCloud mentioned, I'll be dropped off of the cool list.

I do know one thing. I plan on using what ever technique is necessary to make sure the boys she brings over keep in line. I am not at all opposed to intimidation tactics, and trying to scare the living shit out of any of them. My wife was jokin' around in describing me, sitting in the dark room cleaning guns and sharpening knives when it's date night for our little girl. She doesn't realize how accurate she was.... :smiley_bril:

I have an even better tactic then that one lol. It's kind of funny that the girls have tossed me off their cool list but their friends still like me lol. The friends will give me pretty much any info on the boys if I ask them. The wife and I don't tell our daughters where we get the info that we get but they do know we can find out just about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING lol.

My 14yr old daughter was on the phone just Monday night talking to a boy. Now, when girls get on the phone they tend to talk really loud and giggle and all that stuff. I just happened to be on FB while she was talking to this boy and heard her say his first name. I look over on her friends list on FB and found the little punk lol. I yelled across the room and said loud enough he could hear me as well " Tell so and so I said hello and that I found him on FB " The kid freaked and hung up lol. Apparently boys don't like to find out the girls parents aren't stupid and can find things out LMAO :D.

The best was when my sister had some things stolen out of her car one evening including some of my nephews (he's 5) toys he had just purchased at Wal-Mart with his own money. Both our girls sat here in the house and watched me make phone calls and look things up on the computer and had the scum bags address and telephone number in 45 minutes lol. Within an hour we had my sister and nephews things back lol. Both the girls sat here with their jaws on the floor scratching their heads and thinking " how the hell did he just do that. "

AH the fear lol. They both think I can find out what they have done before they are even done doing so, that stops them from getting into too much when that little voice in their heads keep telling them " Don't do it because they will find out"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
O ya Adam.
I have friends that were w/ city, hwy. patrol and sheriff out to shoot many times over the years. My girls believe I have access to everything the cops do. lol ( and to a certain extent...)
O yessssssss the fear.
My space and FB can give a parent great in-site. problem is the kids today use it as a platform of how they WOULD LIKE TO BE VIEWED... not maybe how they really are. Look at the friends friends for in-site. Not just the kid in question.

I came in one day when a boy was visiting after my taking walk in the woods. Not thinking anything of it, I took off my lite jacket and still wearing my ccw I bent over to pick up a bag of wood pellets to dump in the wood burner. The poor city boy freaked and has never been back. My daughter told me about it a week later.LOL

I also believe that MS and FB have eroded kids communication skills. Its real easy to be a tuff guy on line but IF the guy had to screw up the nerve to ask a good looking girl for a date,face-to-face I believe many would crash and burn. Don't you remember the anxiety of working up the guts to walk up to that hot looking girl and start a face-to-face conversation? Its a part of the dating process lost on many today...

HELL. It was a rite of manhood to screw up the nerve to walk into a drug store when I was out there in the 70's-80's and buy a pack of rubbers. ( you were sure everyone in there knew your parents especially the pharmacist.) back then they were behind the counter and you had to ask for em... Today the fuc*en schools give em out like candy.

Don't get me started...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Excellent post CJD. I think what you posted is going to help a lot of guys on here from the sounds of it.

Values. Good one. I figure if I teach my kids one thing only, then honesty will be that one thing. I really believe if they learn honesty, the rest will fall in line. Obviously this will not be the only thing I try to teach them, but I think it is the core. Take them to church, and know we are leading by example. Good or bad example, this is what they are learning. Helps keep me in check too. Great advice, and from the way my Dad interacts with the kids, I think you will enjoy being a grandpa some day.

Like I have said for years-"Love me or hate me... I'll always tell you the truth"


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Like I have said for years-"Love me or hate me... I'll always tell you the truth"

Great way to live life! I've pissed a few "friends" off in my day doing just that. Don't ask me what I think if you aren't prepared to hear what I have to say. I had one "buddy" tell me I was judgmental after I honestly answered the question he asked me. I learned to value bluntness and honesty for an aunt. She can piss you off, but at least you know where she stands and I respect that in a person. Kinda like Geezer and Swantucky! :D


Senior Member
Obviously I've got nothing to add to this having no wife and no kids, but I can say that I respect a lot of you for the fathers that you are.

But as a young fella who has dated a few nice women, I'd have to say that I would much rather a strong father figure in the girl that I'm dating. My long relationship in high school had a weenie for a dad and though he tried to act tough, I wasn't intimidated in the least (maybe because, as Hicks says, I'm a man child). However, I did respect the man and saw the concern for his daughter, as I was two years older than her at the time. At College, it's rare that I've met parents, mostly because relationships haven't been that long or serious. The last one I met scared the bajeebers outta me though!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
that's what they all say...

After they've had them...

At that point though, what choice do you have. Lol

nothing gained is nothing lost.

Just sayin.. :)

i may go adopt me some little black kid someday though... Around age 2 would be good.. Raise him up like a hick.. I can see it now. Ole dude jumps out the truck in vinton county to the stares of the locals.... And says "lets go kill some deerz dad." i'm gonna git in that stand up the holler.. Where ya goin?"


hahahahahah otay!! Dad


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Obviously I've got nothing to add to this having no wife and no kids, but I can say that I respect a lot of you for the fathers that you are.

But as a young fella who has dated a few nice women, I'd have to say that I would much rather a strong father figure in the girl that I'm dating. My long relationship in high school had a weenie for a dad and though he tried to act tough, I wasn't intimidated in the least (maybe because, as Hicks says, I'm a man child). However, I did respect the man and saw the concern for his daughter, as I was two years older than her at the time. At College, it's rare that I've met parents, mostly because relationships haven't been that long or serious. The last one I met scared the bajeebers outta me though!

I'll be the way I am. I'm not their buddy. I'm not their friend. I'm her father. IF the boy goes the distance, I'll lighten up later.


*Supporting Member*
My daughter is 21 now and I don't know where the years went. I don't remember being not cool, but I do remember when she lost interest in fishing and hunting. I was hoping she would always be an outdoor girl but it didn't happen. So for those of you with young daughters, take them outdoors every chance you can.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
C'mon Ernie- I said "manchild" in a PM. I am 99% sure. Wasn't trying to bust you on the public side with that one. You outed yourself here. I meant it as a complement. Big ol' sumbitch but still an honest, (somewhat) innocent kid in other ways. Truly meant as a complement. You are going to make a good husband/father some day. You aren't afraid to listen and in the last couple of years, the maturity you have gained and shown on the web has been pretty cool to watch.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I am scared to death that someday my angel is going to grow up and hate her dad at some point. Thats going to suck.

the boys better watch out though. She just got in trouble for spitting in some boys face yeserday, last year she punched this girl cause she kept bothering her, pushed a girl down last month......I could go on and on about what she gets in trouble for. Thing I dont get is, she doesnt watch bad shows, she doesnt see that stuff at home....Where in the world do these kids pick up stuff.....
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Senior Member
....Where in the world do these kids pick up stuff.....

Usually from other kids and/or competition. My 2 year old mimics every move of his 5 year old sister. They might as well be twins as he shadows her so bad. For good or bad my oldest is a role model for my youngest.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Great way to live life! I've pissed a few "friends" off in my day doing just that. Don't ask me what I think if you aren't prepared to hear what I have to say. I had one "buddy" tell me I was judgmental after I honestly answered the question he asked me. I learned to value bluntness and honesty for an aunt. She can piss you off, but at least you know where she stands and I respect that in a person. Kinda like Geezer and Swantucky! :D

I don't know how i didn't make that list.. LOL... I never beat around the bush and will tell anyone what i think. Even if it pisses them off. LOL


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Usually from other kids and/or competition. My 2 year old mimics every move of his 5 year old sister. They might as well be twins as he shadows her so bad. For good or bad my oldest is a role model for my youngest.

I think you nailed it on that one. Our oldest has an attitude like any teen girl does and my 14yr old girl has taken what she has learned from her older sister and turned it up a notch. Now my 5 yr old son sees what they say and act and tries to get away with it. Needless to say I have had more then one talk with the girls and the " ROLE MODEL" they are turning out to be for him :D.

I think more times then not our kids we are trying to raise to have respect and do the right things find kids that have no parental supervision at their homes and try to act just like those kids and try to buck the system. The fact is most of us had a stay at home parent and they wasn't afraid to smack our asses when we needed it. The State and the Federal Govn't have taken control away from the parents with "Child Abuse laws" if you spank your kid for doing wrong. I say spank them if they need it and bring the paddle back to the schools. Worked just fine for me and many others and I think I turned out just fine without any lasting side effects or traumatic mental illness the tax payers of the United States will have to pay for the rest of my life lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Could be. That is why I said 99%. I knew there was a chance. Didn't look it up. I still meant it as a complement.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I was called a "boy in a man's body" by a former boss just before he made a run on me. WTF, I am as dumb as a boy but built like a man, how could this possibly end good for you?? I did not hit him, I choked him till I was pulled off. lol I used to love a good fight!

Far as the Father/Daughter thing...I been thinking about this one...Only a Dad knows how hard it is....

My oldest daughter is going to be 13 in Nov. not really interested in boys yet. She will be a beauty. My youngest is 8 and will kick your ass, I see bad things in her future, she is a hellion like her Dad. Nothing scares her, she will hit the older kids with whatever is handy. No breaking her. The wife says "she is yours, you deal with her". Hate to say it but she is me, just nutty, consequences be damned.

Like others have said, "you teach them the best you can". I have spent a fortune sending my kids to private school and from what I see from my son in H.S. it has paid off. But no matter what you do when the kids hit 14-15-16 they get a mind of their own.

Fugg you do the best you can, nothing deep from me. My parents did all they could to control me, just was not gonna happen. Got shown the door at 18 and been doing my thing since then.