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Fear the Beard!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am in need of a shave right now. Thought about letting it go, but it didn't work for me last year so maybe I will mix up the superstitions and remain shaved this season?

I am with the guys in the "haven't reached puberty department." Unfortunately last year I noticed a few gray hairs and this year I am seeing more and more. By the time I can actually grow a decent beard it will be all gray. My sister asked last year if I trim my beard to look that way or if it just comes in that way? bitch. I told her I was waiting on the mullet to catch up to it so I could sport the full-on "Joe Dirt" look.


Senior Member
Too early, it's not cold enough yet. I didn't shave during Nov of last year and did pretty good. This pic is at two weeks I think? I have had a goatee for almost 2 years now and that stays. Come No-Shave November I will grow it as best I can and probably keep it til after the New Year this year. The professional thing comes into play with meeting important people and internship stuff...we'll see. I only care for that so far, I still wear my boots and jeans to class and my reputation for "I don't give a damn" is growing stronger :D

For the record, she liked the beard but found out that she didn't like me! lol

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
welp my beard run has ended on the fifth day!!!....wife saw it this morning and said you gotta shave you fuggin face. lol....I said thanks honey nice to see your beautiful face this morning too!


Junior Member
Canton, Ohio
I have started growing mine. I had a nice one going until I had to fly to NJ last week for business...:mad:

Wife didn't mind it but said she prefers me with just the go-tee. I have found it helps on the cold windy days hunting.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
a " NO shave November" contest

I would look like the Duck Commander! Not going to work for me.


Hahaha. I would still look like RGecko23's avatar picture!:smiley_baby:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I usually get a beard going at the beginning of the season, but after a couple weeks it gets too long and I shave it off and start over.......I can have a beard in about a week so it's not a big deal.

Welcome Red


*Supporting Member III*
I'm on it. Just like every year...from opening day until the end of November. Duck Commander is awesome. I don't even duck hunt, but those beards are the best. Opening day down here is Saturday. I'll be in the trees all day long... Looks like a cool front is coming through. Only supposed to be 88:smiley_crazy:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Growing a beard has never really been a problem for me. I could pretty much grow a full beard my Senior year in high school. I always grew a beard for deer season and the wife HATED it. Now it does come down to a "professional" thing. For some reason old ladies don't like letting in guys with freaky long beards into their house to sell them furnaces.

Here is a pick of me at twenty yrs old.

For some reason my senior year everyone called me Jebadiah. I could never figure out why.


Senior Member
Damn Stevo do you still have that hat? :D That's a dandy buck too!

And yes, if that sweatshirt was plan, with the old crossbow there you could easily be a Yoder. Or a Schwartz. Or a .... :D


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I tend to go back and forth all year long switching back and forth from goatee to clean faced to mustache to beard then back to something else. Just hate to shave but as far as deer season beards, I just keep it trimmed and short and will shave after my buck tag is used or me wifey say's shave it off. Unless we're going to a wedding or her works social event she pretty much leaves me alone when it comes to the facial hair.