I am in need of a shave right now. Thought about letting it go, but it didn't work for me last year so maybe I will mix up the superstitions and remain shaved this season?
I am with the guys in the "haven't reached puberty department." Unfortunately last year I noticed a few gray hairs and this year I am seeing more and more. By the time I can actually grow a decent beard it will be all gray. My sister asked last year if I trim my beard to look that way or if it just comes in that way? bitch. I told her I was waiting on the mullet to catch up to it so I could sport the full-on "Joe Dirt" look.
I am with the guys in the "haven't reached puberty department." Unfortunately last year I noticed a few gray hairs and this year I am seeing more and more. By the time I can actually grow a decent beard it will be all gray. My sister asked last year if I trim my beard to look that way or if it just comes in that way? bitch. I told her I was waiting on the mullet to catch up to it so I could sport the full-on "Joe Dirt" look.