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Fear the Beard!


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Mine had to go. It ran it's course. But part of the reason for growing it was to get a good goat. It worked for that...



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
holy hell adam! Hahaha

what's even better is it pisses the wife off to no end :D. My senior year of high school I had hair down to the middle of my back and bangs down to the middle of my chest. I had a teacher ask me to part my hair down the middle so I did. He said " dye your hair and beard a lite brown and we would have Jesus right here in our classroom" lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Dear Lord Adam! Do you keep birds in there like Peter Griffin (Family Guy reference).


No birds here. I figure I can use it to provide cover for the big bucks when the weather turns brutal...thats when I will kill one of them buck deerz with ma bow. shhhhhh..don't tell the buck deerz my plan lol.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Since right after the BEC shoot lol. I started way earlier this year then usual lol. It gets cold out in the stand with North winds blowing in your face ya know lol.


*Supporting Member*
Here was the goat back in hog camp earlier this year. I've trimmed it off a few times since. I think I might do the full beard bald thing. I'm always bald and the wife has asked for the full beard. Guess I better start soon.

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