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Finelyshedded Turkey 2013 Spring season


Coshocton, OH
Two toms made their way back across the field towards me to within 45-50 yards and ducked back into the woods where I'm at. I gave them 10 minutes and did a few light clucks and yelps and a hen cut me off....da bitch!

I'm just gonna light call off and on every 30 minutes till they leave her I guess.lol

Sounds like a heck of an opening morning Ric. Did they not give you a shot when you said they crossed you at 45-50 yards?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
No shot and again I thought they were headed right to me but veered off to my right. Truth is, I need to use a mouth call and haven't mastered it yet. I do great with all the friction calls but when they start heading my way they need a bit more coaxing I think.

I'm done with decoys for now. I think they cost me this morning. I wasn't moving a muscle and was already to shoot long before those 4 white heads popped up in front of me. Dang!!!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I quit using decoys a long time ago too. They are a pain to set up and carry, and I don't know that they are much of a help when using a shotgun. If you set up where the turkeys have to come within range and stick that head up looking for you (like over green briar, or the crest of a hill) they will come in. The only time I've ever had 'em hang up is when they KNOW the hen should be able to see them strut.

It's early Ric, and with the effort you put in last year, you are due!


Coshocton, OH
No shot and again I thought they were headed right to me but veered off to my right. Truth is, I need to use a mouth call and haven't mastered it yet. I do great with all the friction calls but when they start heading my way they need a bit more coaxing I think.

I'm done with decoys for now. I think they cost me this morning. I wasn't moving a muscle and was already to shoot long before those 4 white heads popped up in front of me. Dang!!!

Unlucky bud. Maybe a mouth call for clucks and purrs when there getting into range? A cluck is pretty simple and may do the trick when there close and you can't use a box or slate. Just a thought. Sounds like you are right on em! Good luck!


Senior Member
Good stuff Ric. It's gonna happen for ya bud. I don't have to tell ya to keep at it cuz I know ya will. I also quit using decoys after I had too many birds hang up on me waiting at 100 yards for the hen to come to them. If ya can try setting your slate on the ground where some sound can get out from under it and try some soft purrs. Just my .02 but it has worked for me in the past. Good luck bud!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks guys! Some good advise for me TOO chew on and try.

Huck, can't remember the brand name. Can't really remember where I bought them! I'm old! :pickle: lmao

They're made of foam and fold in half pretty easy and each has one stake that comes in two pieces, if that helps. Haha

If I can either stay awake or close my eyes for a couple hours I'll be in the same location and hope they fly lap and if not try a few of your suggestions. Just need a clear shot to the head inside 45-50 yards. I don't want to injure one and want a dead bird that isn't all tore up so I can mount it......maybe. If I get one of those older birds though, he will go on the wall.lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Thanks guys! Some good advise for me TOO chew on and try.

Huck, can't remember the brand name. Can't really remember where I bought them! I'm old! :pickle: lmao

They're made of foam and fold in half pretty easy and each has one stake that comes in two pieces, if that helps. Haha

If I can either stay awake or close my eyes for a couple hours I'll be in the same location and hope they fly lap and if not try a few of your suggestions. Just need a clear shot to the head inside 45-50 yards. I don't want to injure one and want a dead bird that isn't all tore up so I can mount it......maybe. If I get one of those older birds though, he will go on the wall.lol

LOL not the brand...tom? hen's? jakes? numbers?

I split my set-up today and had a hen/jake pair in either direction. Just interested to see what you had and what you were thinking.

Good luck in the AM!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Haha Steve! I had two hens and a jake. The one hen pushed low to the ground and the jake right near her ass and the other hen about 10 feet away.

Good luck to you Aaron.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Had another exciting morning but still no bird down. Got to bed at 4 and up at 5:45 and set up by 6:15 again. I set up a hundred yards from where I was yesterday morning in the direction the hens lead the toms away from me. Had toms firing off the roost within a 100 yards but the hens went nuts again right before they pitched down. The toms stayed pretty quiet after they descended but the hens were rounding them up with their chatter.

At 8:00 I looked way over to where I was sitting yesterday morning and saw at least 2 toms strutting right in front of my tree! WTH! Murphy's law I guess....lol

I did move my camera over there right near the strutting area so I'm hoping I got some nice video. I'll share if I did. I will pull that card later in the week though.

Probably hunt till 9:30 then head home to bed. Got to work another 10 this evening. Due to rain possibilities tomorrow am I might not get back out till Thursday morning.

Good luck TOOZERS and congrats to everyone who scored today!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Well i had an exciting morning, that went sour real quick. Sat in a spot I had picked out this morning, didn't hear a thing. So I went up closer to the fields about 2-300 yds away. soon as I got up there the birds were hammering away. So i set up the blind real quick, pop the decoys up and start calling. 3 jakes come in on a string. 17 yds away on film, shot, and the turkey barrel rolled twice, flooped around and ran off. I went to find my arrow and found 4" of bloody arrow with meat on it. I looked all over for that bird, and could not find it. I looked at the footage, and I cant tell if I breasted him, or what I was seeing was my arrow coming out the other side.

I hate turkeys!!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds like a great memorable hunt Wayne! Sorry you didn't get that bird though. Got to give you props for going after them with a bow. It's something I'd like to try sometime but not till I can kill a mature Tom with a gun first! Rotflmao

Keep at it and Goodluck!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Bummer Wayne. I am still jealous of you and Ric though. I didn't see nor hear a turkey. (Unless you count the guy that set a blind 30yds off my property line in the last several days since I have been there.)


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Sounds like a couple good hunt Ric, keep with it and I'm sure you'll get it done! I like the trail camera usage. Think I may do the same as well once we get back home so I have some recon for when I can get out there.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds like a couple good hunt Ric, keep with it and I'm sure you'll get it done! I like the trail camera usage. Think I may do the same as well once we get back home so I have some recon for when I can get out there.

Thanks Greg. If I don't kill one with a gun at least I can kill one with my TC. Lmao


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sounds like a couple good hunt Ric, keep with it and I'm sure you'll get it done! I like the trail camera usage. Think I may do the same as well once we get back home so I have some recon for when I can get out there.

Thanks Greg. If I don't kill one with a gun at least I can kill one with my TC. Lmao

You can say that again!lmao
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*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
You getting out anymore this week? If we get some thunder in the mornings with these rains it will make them birds light up. We got that in toledo one year. It was great, Loud rumbles, then hammering everywhere.