Don't city deer know they aren't supposed to do this for another month... Stupid deer looks like he found him some city meth..
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Danged Al Gore and his global warmin' got the deerclock all fubar'ed
You laugh but a couple years ago i was hunting wildcat hollow for turks. I met a local in the woods and we started swapping observations.. Which was pretty much the birds had gone tight lipped. Then he said something to this day i will never forget.. It was the year where daylight savings came 2 weeks early.. He said "I think that daylight savings commin early this year has em all messed up..." I shook my head in agreement. Wished him luck and proceed to go find me a hollow i could roll around in until my guts hurt from laughing. Somebody forgot to tell the turks to turn their clocks back! They're gobblins all off a time like two weeks behind or somethin. ROTFLMAO
You laugh but a couple years ago i was hunting wildcat hollow for turks. I met a local in the woods and we started swapping observations.. Which was pretty much the birds had gone tight lipped. Then he said something to this day i will never forget.. It was the year where daylight savings came 2 weeks early.. He said "I think that daylight savings commin early this year has em all messed up..." I shook my head in agreement. Wished him luck and proceed to go find me a hollow i could roll around in until my guts hurt from laughing. Somebody forgot to tell the turks to turn their clocks back! They're gobblins all off a time like two weeks behind or somethin. ROTFLMAO
Those shoes are gay.