Got to my tower 30 minutes before legal time. Started out real slow.
8:30 seen a 25 lb groundhog feeding in my turnips about 100 yds away. Damn he looked well fed.
8:45 5 turkey Toms came out of my woods, across the food plot, into the neighbor's hay field and just walked away to the West. If I see that piebald hen I plan on a full mount if I'm lucky.
9:30 5 does come out of my woods ago straight to the young turnips plot. Get within 35 yds but I had no plans on shooting one since it so hot
9:50 there is a young 7 pt buck 90 yds away on the other side of the neighbors hay field. Just walking along and nosing overhead limbs and pawling the ground. He entered the brush and was gone.
10:00 the same 7 pt buck came out by my woods and fed in the clover 115 yds away. Then he walked into the woods. Once he was out of sight I gave one soft grunt and I'll be darn if he didn't come out of the woods and walked straight to me and stopped at 30 yds. He stood there and looked around for awhile and turned and walked away. I did a soft grunt, he turned around and walked up to the mock scrape 25 yds away and just tore the sapling up, rubbing the overhead branchs, and pawling the ground. He went to the T-post side and rubbed the hell out of the steel T-post.
He got tired of that and keep looking around for the buck he heard grunting. He walked 5 ft from my tower and walked into the brush. He came out 75 yds to my West and walked across the hay field. I grunted at him and he would stop and look around. He got to the field edge and licked the overhead branchs, pawled the ground and walked into the brush.
A really interesting morning. Quit at 10:45 as I have some R&D work to do.