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Frank's 2015 hunting journal


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I got across the creek with about 5" water and 3" when I came out.
6:10 AM got in the ladderstand. Calm not a cloud in the sky and stars are bright.
Had a exciting 20 minutes seeing 6 bucks and 4 does.
8:40 I see movement 225 yds across the hay field in the NW corner. With the binocs I see 3 does being chased around circles by 4 bucks. A small spike, basket 6-8 pt, the one antler buck plus a nice shooter big buck. They run off to the SE corner out of my view. Then a doe and the big buck came running back and milled around and ran back to the SE corner. Then a 2nd big buck came out of the NW corner and chased after them They are coming my way but they never showed. There's a ATV trail in the corner that goes up the hill to another hay field.
8:55 a does is running past me at 50 yds with her tongue hanging out from the North and enters the neighbors woods. But nothing followed her.
9:00 a one antlered buck with 4 pts comes from the North and runs by me at 15 ft. I'm sorta blinded by brush on the North end so I didn't try to stop him as I was hoping there was another buck chasing him. But nothing showed.
His left antler was broken off and looked like dark dried blood coming from the base down to his mouth.

The wind really picked out of the SW blowing directly at me. Almost got sea sick from the motion.
10:15 I packed it up as I have to find the short in my cattle fence and get that working. If that goes well I might go out tonite in the same stand. I pulled the card out of the time lapse cam so that will tell me the deer movement in that area in the evening.

No deer but a fun time. The wife only said 'as long as your having fun'. Yes I am. She'll hear about the new Maverick blind in a day or so but won't say much. I never use household income for my play items but use my 'wheeling and dealing funds'.

I looked at my time lapse card and I only missed seeing one small fawn by not hunting evenings this week.
Gotta love the time lapse cam as it there when I'm not.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Got into the ladderstand at 6:20.
7:10 a doe comes out of the hay field at 90 yds and walks right past the tower. She fed slowly through the turnips and went on North and out of sight.
8:15 the is a single gun shot to the the West about 400 yds, just hope it was a turkey hunter.
9:15 I see a buck on the edge of the hay field walking towards the tower, but that doesn't do me any good as I'm not there but 125 yds to the East. I gave a soft grunt and he stopped and turned and walked fast towards me headed for the woods. There is about 60 yds of neighbor's woods adjoining my food plot with 2 established trails at 25 and 40 yds from my ladderstand. He doesn't show up even after couple doe can bleats.
9:30 a larger shooter buck comes out of the corner the smaller buck went into chasing 2 does in circles in the hay field. They run off to the West end and enter the brush, then come out and go into the brush on the NW corner. There's where all the deer go into a trail. Next year I will work on a stand there but they said no this year. Hoping they will OK it as this would be in the very NW corner of their property.

That was it for the day and I packed up at 10:45 as I have some work to do and get ready for the cold weather coming. I did get the electric fence fixed yesterday in about 10 minutes.

I wore my Cabela's extreme cold weather coveralls today it it did the job at 25 degrees and no wind. My stand faces due west and the wind blows straight at me. My nose and hands got a little cold so tomorrow I bring along the hand muff attachment.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Hunted the ladderstand again got in it at 6:30 AM
But the hunt turned out rather bad as I shot a deformed antler buck at 8:45. I had this same buck ran past me on Thursday and I thought his left antler was broken off and he had blood running down his face. But no the left antler was there but laying along the left side of his face down to under his mouth. It looked attached and it didn't seem to bother him as he was butting heads and antlers with a small 1" buck shown in the picture just before I shot him.
He ducked the shot and ran back the way he came with the arrow sticking 6-8" out on top of his right shoulder. I could watch him through the tree tops for over 200 yds running through the neighbors hay field and went through a tractor path.
I waited 1 hour and went tho the tractor path and found couple drops of blood. Went across a small creek and entered thick brush. Found the top half of my arrow shaft broken off. Then the blood was in big puddles 4-5" in size every 10' of so. The blood puddles continued for about 75 yds. then went to just a drop of blood every 10' or so. The brush opened onto a small hay field and I found 1 drop of blood on the edge.
The hay field is about 100 yds across so I checked the other side edge but nothing found. Checked the big patch of weeds and brush there plus about 5 major trails and no blood sign
Went back to the last drop of blood and went both ways along the field edge, did a plot pattern search in the field and no sign. The small field opens up into other hay fields so I checked both paths leading out and nothing. Checked all the brush in a large 360 degree area and nothing. I did a search to make sure he didn't back track on me but found nothing.
I searched for 2 hours and my back and legs just gave out. I texted my nephew and he said he would help look. So I took the golf cart back up to the house and picked him up. I showed him the blood trail and I had to lay on the ground for a few minutes to let my back loosen up. He found one more drop of blood about 10' heading straight across the field. We both searched a large area of 3 different adjoining hay fields, all the adjoining hay fields and found no sign.
Both of us searched for another 2 hours. Then we got thinking, we seen 2 ground blinds less than 100 yds from the last drop of blood directly in the direction the blood was going, plus there was a tree stand about 300 yds to the left. Then we noticed there was tire tracks in the grass right there. We just wonder was there someone there hunting and seen the buck come up. But then there was no sign of a blood pile sign or gut pile. I was there within 60-70 minutes after the shot.
After a total of 4 hours searching and we didn't find anything my nephew had to got to the shop so I took him home. I had it anyway as my back and legs were killing me. Got home and it started a light rain what went into a heavy rain for a hour or so.

I'm just sick as in 48 yrs of deer hunting and taking way over 55-60 deer, 2 elk and a black bear I've only lost this deer and one other deer but that deer went on to property the landowner would not give permission to follow it. I found out later the landowner located the buck and eat it so it ended well.
I took off today and tomorrow to get my mind back in order and plan on hunting Tuesday morning. Plus I have a big week planned for next week hunting with my 45-70. I'll hunt all day sets in my tower for the 1st 3 days then I've invited my niece to hunt the end of the week. That'll be a fun time.

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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I ran my shot across my Shot Simulator program and from the angle and location of the shot it appears I got a single lung shot. The instructions was 'light to no blood for 50 yds or more then heavy blood spots, then petering out to a drop here and there'. That's exactly the blood trail I had.
So with luck the buck has a good chance at living. I'll watch the cams pictures for him. That makes me feel somewhat better but still hate it I caused the buck so much pain and suffering. With luck I hope to see him again soon and put him down.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
6:30 got into my ladderstand. It was cold, clear and calm.
Didn't see anything all morning so I packed up at 10:30 and headed home.
Only the 2nd time this season I got skunked and didn't see anything.
It felt good to get back out after 2 days MIA.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
6:30 AM I pick my son up next door with the golf cart and go down to the bottom pasture. Parked there I went to my tower and he went to my woods tower about 200 yds away.
7:05 I have 2 does walking past me in the hay field at 30 yds. They stuck around till after legal light but was hoping a buck was following them but got a no show. This is the same area I've seen a large tall 10 pt chasing does. It was interesting to watch the doe throw their heads up smelling the air, I knew they couldn't smell me being up wind so I assumed it was my son's scent. He was 200 yds to the east of me. He left at 9:30 without seeing anything on his way to work. If I had shot the 1st doe I would have help right there but no I waited 8 hrs without seeing one to shot one.
That's it until 4:15. Just did a lot of thinking on my new tower project for next year.
4:15 a doe starts to feed in the turnips on the north end 150 yds away. But she stays there the whole time.
4:30 another deer comes out of the neighbor"s woods at 80 yds into my clover plot. It looks like a nice doe and decide to take it for my brother. I'm lining up for the broadside shot and it moved it's head and I see a glint of white. The I studied it with my 7 power binocs and sure enough it's a small spike so he gets a free card on life.
The other doe isn't closer.
5:05 there are 4 does coming from the west in the hay field. The small one is feeding and one t 60 yds is looking around as is another at 80 yds. Then one comes walking closer looking alert to 30 yds broadside. The wind is right for not getting my scent so not sure if they caught my movement and not sure what I was.
5:15 I decide to take the shot and give the deer to my brother who isn't hunting now. I shot and the muzzle flash caused me to loose track of her but I had a general idea where she was headed. The other 3 deer are running every which way also.
5:45 I undressed and got down and went to where I thought she was standing at the shot. Sure enough I have blood drops. But could only follow them about 20 yds so I marked the last one with a stick and orange tape I carry. I walked across the field in the general direction and search the field edge going into the brush for 100 yds each way. I go back to the blood marker and can't find any blood trail. So I went to the tractor path about 100 yds to the right and there's not blood trail there. So I followed the small 5" wide creek to the east towards where I thought she might have went hoping to pick up a blood trail when she jumped the creek.
I got about 75 yds and find nothing and seen a strange log laying in the creek so I went to look at it. Sure enough it's a dead doe but there's silt all over it's legs and I'm thin king it's someone's old lost doe. It's completely under the water except the left shoulder and I feel no warmth there. But when I moved it blood came out of the mouth. I noticed blood on the creee bank so I felt it and it was fresh and wet.
I decided to pull the doe out and what a job that was with a sore shoulder. I got it out and tried to figure the best way out of the thick brush. So decided the best route was along the creek to a narrow shallow spot to the ATV trail and 50 yds to the hay field. When I got it dragged to the field I could go no further so I called for help and my nephew was the only one home next door so he came dow, picked up mu golf cart and brought it to the tower. Then it was a drag home.
I texted my brother to get 2 bags of ice and come over for his deer. He showed up in about 45 minutes, we firld dressed the doe, washed it out and loaded in his truck. Gave him the check in permit.
He took it to the processor this morning and the GW was checking deer, he aged it at 2.5 yrs. and 160 lbs field dressed. The processor only took in 42 deer on the 1st day when in past years took in 200-500. The GW explained to him the new District system they may go to and will upset some hunters because of the new bag limits.
Overall a fun day and taking today off to let my shoulder heal and be at it in the morning looking for that big buck I've seen or the deformed buck I shot 10 days ago.

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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I called my niece tonight she will be here late Friday night to hunt Sat-Sun. That'll be a fun hunt. Rigging up a port-a-potty enclosure for her to hunt all day in comfort.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
In the tower at 6:40 AM. So foggy couldn't see 50 ft in some areas. Started to clear up to see something when the sun started coming up.
Nothing seen and no shooting so I figured to hunt till noon then come back for a evening hunt. Got my stuff around to leave.
11:55 a doe comes walking through at 50 yds then did the strangest thing. She jumped in the air, did a 180 and started sniffing the ground like a buck on a hot trail. I'm thinking she hit the blood trail of the doe I shot on Monday. She went to the east into the brush.
12:05 a small yearly came from the east and walked through at 90 yds.
So I figured maybe the deer will start moving now. So I decided to stay the whole day. Besides it was my 11 anniversary of my 2nd open heart surgery and what a better day to spend it.
That was it for the day and seen nothing till dark. I only hear one shot at 5:20 about 1/4 mile to the west of me. All other shots were over a mile away. Not too much hunting pressure to get the deer moving and that's good and bad. But no pressure is better than too much.
Don't plan to hunt in the morning as I need to build a port-a-potty enclosure under the tower for my niece. She said it wasn't required but I will anyway.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not a bad way to spend the day at all, Frank. Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm sure your niece will appreciate your efforts.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This has been the 2nd worse deer hunting season in 48 yrs of deer hunting. It seems where ever I was on stand the bucks were somewhere else. Then I lost a bow shot buck and that's the 1st total lost in 48 yrs and taking way over 50 deer.
My sore right shoulder is messed up. Went to the Doctor today and as I expected it's bursitus as I have in my knees and left thumb.
My worst year was in 2004 when I had my 2nd open heart surgery on the 1st day of gun season and missed the whole season.
Well at least I'm still alive.

My niece and her husband came down on Friday night and all 3 of us hunted in my tower until dark. Seen 23 turkeys and no deer that's the 3rd time this year I got skunked on seeing deer. They had a blast and plan on a hunt next year.
The 3 of us hunted until 1:00 and they had to pack up to head home for work in the morning and seen no deer again. The love turnips so I harvested them about 6 big ones. They took pictures of the inside and outside of the tower to show everyone. I reminded them I wasn't taking anymore clients for hunting.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Glad your niece and her husband paid you a visit. Sounds like they enjoyed their time there.

I was a fun time. That's the 1st time I had quest for deer hunting on my farm. I plan on improvements for next year. I have a old tower in my woods that I plan on insulating and put windows in to cut down on the wind. The wind seems to blow up the hill and it can get cold as hell in there.
Then I'll be putting up my new Maverick tower stand on the other side of the food plot where the 2 trails come out of the neighbors woods. This 3.o ac food plot has changed the deer pattern a whole lot. Before the woods acted as a pinch point for deer travel, now with the food plot beside the woods the traffic through the woods has dropped almost to zero. The does feed in the plot and the bucks travel through the plot looking for does and make their rounds.
I'll finish the food plot on the West side of the farm and install a good 2 man ladder stand. That plot is on a good N-S trail that comes across the road through my over grown pasture of cedar trees. I already got a picture of a nice buck this fall with the 1/4 ac clover I planted this spring.
Hope get permission for a stand on the neighbors hay field in the extreme property corner by the good trail.

At least I got the rest of the season to hunt.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Got to the tower at 7:00 AM.
7:50 2 turkeys fly down and walk into the brush.
8:00 2 yearlings followed by a big doe came out of the neighbors woods into my food plot at 75 yds. There's light fog and they are down wind of me. The 2 yearlings feed and the doe kept testing the air for scent. She never did feed and just keep walking around for 10 minutes and they walked off into my woods.
12:30 47 turkeys in one large flock come into the food plot from the north.
1:30 I had to go home as I forgot to take my phone. While there I fed the cattle and was back in the tower at 2:30.
5:30 a doe and 2 yearlings come out of the neighbors woods at 75 yds and start feed in the turnips. The #4-#5-#6-#7 come in on the same trail. So now there's 7 does and no horns feeding at 75 yds.
5:40 I look towards my right and 5 does are coming single file across the neighbor's hay field headed towards the turnip food plot.
5:45 couple feeding does are looking towards my woods and I see movement. Surely this is the buck. Nope just a small yearling.
So there's 13 does and yearlings feeding now. I can't leave so I just watch them as legal shooting is over.
6:00 I look toward my woods at 120 yds and there is a light colored deer feeding in the clover. It stands out like a light bulb while the other nearby deer are just dark blobs. I don't think it was white but it sure was light colored.
6:30 I no longer can see deer even with my bincos so I sneak out.

I'm tickled that my 3.0 ac food plot is drawing in does and in time the bucks will tag alone giving me a chance. It also is a good feeling watching those 5 does come out of the brush and walk non-stop across that hay field to feed in my turnips.
Earlier this fall I was disappointed that my WTI forage oats didn't come up due to the drought. I planted WTI Forage Oats for 2 years and the deer fed in it all winter and early spring until green up.
So I replanted with WTI Tall Tines which is their turnips and brassica. It sure worked out OK. I walked through the turnips today and there a lot of tops and turnip bulbs eaten. In 2013 the deer only eat the green tops and never touched the bulbs. In 2014 every top was eaten and almost every bulb was eaten level with the ground.
In 2015 the deer are eating everything. I guess it's just a education of what turnips are.
I seen a white item about about 100 yds in the green turnips so one the way back in today I looked at it. It was a 3" white Groundhog radish that was half eaten. I tried eating one last year and it was too hot for me.
I'll plant some sugar beets in 2016. I planted them this year but the 1st crop was shaded out by that evil grass I had to kill off. I lost 100% of the planting due to that grass, same thing in 2014. The evil grass I call it came in the seeds from one of the seed companies and it sure as hell wasn't WTI.

Better luck tomorrow.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Left the house at 6:55 AM in blinding snow fall. Got to my creek and it was up but I thought I was OK to cross with my 10" boots. Wrong I got 2 wet feet. Got into the tower and took my wet socks and boots off and got down the sleeping bag with arms I got from SG. That bag saved my hunt today with the wind coming from the NW and blowing in around the 1" crack around the door.
Right after sun rise 43 turkeys fly down 20 yds away. That flock stayed around me all day until dark. Around noon 5 big long beard Tom's joined so there was 48 until dark.
No deer activity until 4:30 when 2 young yearlings went across the north end of the food plot.
5:00 4 does came across the creek on the north end and fed in the plot. When they fed to about 125 yds they got nervous and left and went into my woods to the east.
5:30 5 does come into the plot from the west about 75 yds north of me. When they get into my down wind area they get nerves and also go into my woods.
Nothing more shows till quiting time.
6:00 I pack up. I put my wet boots on and they are froze solid ice inside. Damn that hurt the feet.
6:15 I got to get out of here and never looked around and opened the door stepped out. There was 5 does that came from the south into the plot at 75 yds. They mill around and just stand there. My feet are freezing and I got to go and they already seen me. I locked up climbed down the icy steps and the deer just watch me. I have a sunken walk out trail so hopefully they aren't too spooked for the next time.

Wearing my Cabela's Extreme cold weather coveralls tomorrow and taking extra pair of socks along.

I've decided to take my scent smoker along tomorrow with 2 smoking fills. I'll smoke the tower inside first thing. Then about 4:00 PM I will do another smoking for the evening hunt. I sorta believe my heater heat is messing my scent up.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Good thing you had that sleeping bag! The turkeys seem to be doing pretty good in your area, 48 is quite the flock!
End of January last year had a flock of over 100 in the same field. My feeling is we have too many turkeys and tough to hunt. Seems the Toms roost with the hens and fly down together and don't leave. Don't see any Toms wondering around until end of season. IMHO