I got in my ladder stand at 7:10AM this morning greeted by a dead calm wind and heavy dew.
Early I had a little 6 pt. with 5 In. horns come from the North down the trail I set on. Too small to shoot.
At 10:50AM I had a small 10 pt. come down the trail from the South at a rather fast walk. He only ad about 8-10 in. horns and should make a nice one in couple years. He wasn't running but he wasn't sticking around either. About 50 yrs. behind him comes a shooter buck.
The trail is 20 yds. from my ladder stand and for some reason when he got in front of me he turned and walked straight towards me. At 14 yds. he turned and I left him have it.
I can still see him running away with the arrow sticking out of him about 6".
I did a complete write up in the Bow Hunting forum.
Life is good when your deer hunting.