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Full bore and Finelyshedded Shed thread of 2014


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I pulled one of my cameras today and won't put it back out till just before turkey season. Had the buck that Karissa nearly got a shot at in early November show up for the first time on one of my cameras. He must not be a regular resident or just spends the majority of his time on an adjacent property and was just passing through. He first came through on 2-18 and then passed back through on 2-20. He has lost his right side and it will probably take a lot of luck and boot rubber to locate it but I will give it my all. I just hope its laying on property I have access TOO.
He looks to be either 2.5 or 3.5 years of age. He had a big body in early Nov. and was very symmetrical. He looks to have nice length in his brow and beam. IMO, he'd have made P&Y minimum this season. I hope Karissa gets another chance at him this next season. Here are a few pics I got of him.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Snow cover? Or dropped on the neighboring property you think?

P&Y this season? As in 2014-2015 Ric?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yes to accessibility issues. There are small 5-15 acre pockets of security all around this property where he might spend a lot of his time bedding or browsing.

As far as score his beam length might be deceiving me but I conservatively have him 6" in all 3 tine measurements. I believe his beam is 23" but I could be over but in my opinion if so it would not be my much. His mass is suspect and also being only an 8 but I gave him 15". He might be closer to 14 though.
He'll net very close to what he grosses cuz of symmetry.

IMO, he'll be close to minimum.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
IMO, all three of his tines are in fact over 6", the 2&3 are probably 7" or better. His mass and beam length is what has me wondering. When I glassed him from across the field and when he about committed I thought 120 which is prolly where he really is but from the side his beams went out to the tip of his nose. He's only 16" on the inside spread though.

Regardless, he'll be interesting to watch develop this summer. If he's going to jump in inches this is the year for him to shine! His beams remind me of "Bonehead", a deer I chased two and three years ago. I'm hoping he is his father cuz his beams exceeded 27" two years in a row and he wasn't very wide either, probably 17" or so but his mass was awesome!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I only had one velvet pic of him but here is the last left side shed of him the farmer ran over with his disk in 2011. I took the hair off his back just behind his shoulder on October 2nd at about 6:45pm at 15 yards later that year. It still haunts me to this day.......

Here's his left side in 2010.


Senior Member
Athens County
Great main beams.

I was meaning to ask ya how you guys keep your sheds straight( property,year,etc.). U number all of them? Just mark the year?
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
We just mark the year on the pedicle and take pictures as they lay and mostly rely on our memory as to where we found them.

I walked for 4 straight hours today looking for the drop from the buck in my last post. Didn't find any sheds but ruled out a ton of area as where not to look! I've walked some awesome property the last 3 years and am amazed I've never picked up a shed at either place! Looks sheddy as heck but I guess the bucks just don't yard in these places during the shed casting period. Here are a few pics of the area:

It did appear the does frequent these props due to the scat and smaller tracks.

Yotes are eating healthy though...:smiley_boos:

Found the remains of a turkey here:

Small buck here

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ric, I've got one farm right down the road from my house that is apparently holding quite a few deer. It is also the farm where Mason had to let the really good buck go. If you'd like to have a look around, you are more than welcome to come over. Mason and I walked a small bit of it the other day, there are a lot of tracks there, and they saw "the buck" just a few weeks ago, so his antlers are probably laying there somewhere. Just send me a text if you want to walk some new ground soon.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I just might take you up on that offer Brock! I'd also like for you to show me how to set a snare. I found some yote tracks cutting thru a cedar thicket along a quad path and thru a fallen down cedar crossing the path. A nice little hole that fuggar crossed through TOO!
How are Friday late morning early afternoon for you?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sadly, Fridays are horrible for me. I get in the shop around 10 am and don't get out until 11pm. I break away for an hour or so after 1pm, but just get errands out of the way and I'm back. However, if you wanted to look the place over (its about 360 acres), and don't require me tagging along, youre welcome to come over. I can show you the place pretty quick in the morning and turn you loose. The landowner would be fine with it, he's a good friend. There are some isolated thickets that have to have horns laying in them, along with a bunch of crp and timber. Some ag fields too, that you could cover with my 4 wheeler if you wanted.

Sundays are about the only day I have much free time, and Saturdays before 4pm.