I didn’t take any pictures later when things were really growing. This is shortly after planting. The tall green plants that are running along the left is salsify, In the top left there is a patch of horseradish. I think there are onions and lettuce growing right up the middle.
This garden is 75’ x 90’
This is a picture of the garden we grow sweet corn in. It has 5 strands of electric fence all the way around it. I can unhook the ends so I can run my tiller through the ends and turn around.
This garden is 35’ x 120’

This garden is 75’ x 90’
This is a picture of the garden we grow sweet corn in. It has 5 strands of electric fence all the way around it. I can unhook the ends so I can run my tiller through the ends and turn around.

This garden is 35’ x 120’