Sounds like you are as excited about the new gun as the girls. Hope it is a wonderful season for you and the ladies. It will be "time well wasted" as I like to say.
Not sure if I remember this right, but I think you simply push it in, and rotate it 1/2 turn or so and it will slide right out. I'm not home right now to check one of my guns, but I'm almost certain that's how it works. It just has a couple of knobs that line up with notches. When they are lined up, it pops right out..... I think.
Ohhh, that cap...
Always got mine out with my fingers...just turn the lights off, and use your fingers to coax it out...
If you play your cards right, they may take more interest in hunting than boys! Lol. Hope they take to it like WildFire!Thanks again Jim and Tom.
Got home an hour ago from watching my oldest play in a tri-match which they won and when I pulled in there was a cabalas package on the porch. Had both girls put on the HSS mossy oak SM adult safety vest and put the sling on their gun. All that's left is buying our licenses and sighting in and practicing both the shotgun and xbow...broohaha!!!