Well I finally am able to sit down after a really long day. I sat last night on the edge of the orchard where I had gotten all the trail cam pics of this buck along with 3 other shooters. I didnt see or hear a thing until right at last legal shooting light. I heard him crunching toward me and he snuck through the only area where I didnt have a shot at 30 yards. He then looped around into the orchard and began feeding. He worked his way toward me and came in the clear around 15 yards. I am not sure what happened, but I think I didnt bend at the waist far enough and sent my arrow into him high. He darted off like a lightening bolt and sprinted into an open field, then over the hill, into the woods out of my view. My dad, cousin JPM, and I gave him 2.5 hours then we went back to where I shot him. We had good blood for 100 yds then it got really spotty so we pulled back. I took today off school and went back to look for him this morning. I had a bad feeling that he was not mortally hit and would still be around suffering. I knew he had to jump a fence to get into the woods so I went straight to the fence line to see if I could find where he crossed. I was able to locate the spot where he jumped it. After he came across the fence, he really opened up. I trailed good blood for another 80-100 yards and found him piled up headed down to a creek bottom. My dad and grandpa came and helped me lug him out. I got him to the taxi a bit ago. He rough scored him at 141 gross, (nets are for fish) and estimated him at 4 years old. I am really happy with this buck. He had the biggest neck I have ever seen on a whitetail! Good luck to the rest of you guys and thanks for all the congrats! I look forward to reading your success stories.