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Happy Birthday TOO!


*Supporting Member III*
Great to have a place to come to check on Ohio. I've got more friends here that I've never met in person than I do have personal friends...that either means this site is awesome or I am a loser. I'm gonna go with #1.

Thanks fellas for treating us Florida guys like family. Love it here!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Happy Birthday too the membership, ya bunch of deerslayin' coonkillin beer-swillin fun-pokin lady-lovin joke tellin smoke-smellin rootin tootin shootin hardcore Ohio Outdoorsmen!

(buddy-lovin and tip-touching would have been accurate inclusions <at times, mostly RD and Huck>, but that would have been inappropriate.)


Kirtland, Ohio
I'm hooked on this damn site now and I blame it all on Ryan! Actually I'm really glad he had introduced me to this site and look forward to contributing and gaining knowledge about hunting and life in general.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Damn, this year flew by...

BIG thanks to Joe & Jesse for all of your hard work & putting this place together!!

And a BIG thanks to all the TOO members, this place is like a brotherhood & I've met some truly great people through this site. Look forward to meeting more as time goes on.

Even though we've accomplished a lot in a short amount of time, it feels like we're just gettin' started. Here's TOO all you guys & TOO the next year to come. Cheers!!! :smiley_cheers:


Staff member
One year ago tomorrow (16-Aug) A piece of code was loaded on the internet with a vision... In the year to come, that vision grew rapidly, racing past any expectations we originally had.

In one year, members posted over 75,783 posts. And the site garnered over 1.2 million page views.

And the greatest part is... She's on a Steady climb!

But we'll put the credit where credit is due.. YOU GUYS.. Without the members this is nothing more than a place for jesse and I to chit chat..

I would also like to thank the guys who have helped get her out there. All the guys that create videos, post on facebook and twitter, and manage the Youtube account.. Our Social Media Admins. Sean, Huck, Redcloud and Alex. With Redcloud pulling extra duty as a Super Mod. And Ryan For running the Deer and Turkey Contests. And to Dave Lusk who created a commercial for TOO and is putting it on Sudden Impact Outdoors. And to all the other members who are always quick to lend advice, share a story, or poke a little fun.

Over the past year I have seen some incredible acts of kindness by our members, tons of great advice, and always a a buddy to chat with... But what makes me the happiest is the incredible acts of kindness. Be it a helping hand, or advice for others down on their luck, or strength when someone needs it the most.. To that alone is why this site was created. A group of people who not only share a hobby, but also a brotherhood..

Happy Birthday TOO!

Omnium rerum principia parva sunt.

Not sure I could have said it better. I'm forever grateful and indebted to all of you who have made this site what it has become today, and what it will be in the future. Joe and I had several late night talks about starting something like this and the common theme was knowing we had a great core of guys to help build this site from the ground up. I want to leave this earth knowing somewhere along the line, I made a difference. This site and this brotherhood will give not only me, but all of you be chance to do that. I could not be more proud to be a TOO brother. You all are the best damn virtual deer camp mates a country bumpkin like me could ask for!!!

Thanks all!!! :smiley_clap: