my buddy is debating on gettin a hoyt protec for a hundered bucks. its the single cam, not the cam and a half. cand find any specs on it good bow or not worth buying? comes without any sights or rest for the price. has the xt2000 limbs 60-70lb draw
Its not a bad price the ones I found online go for between 100-200 bear bow. My dad has a collection of all the hoyt product catalogs I gave him a call and he found this in the 2004 hoyt catalog. I bold print at the top of the page it says HAVE YOU EVER SEEN AN ARROW VAPOR TRAIL?
43 1/2 axle to axle
65% Let off
Draw length adjustable from 27-30
Brace Height is 8
IBO rating is 265 for the xt2000 limb and 285 for the xt3000 (the bow with really shoot around 220fps)
String length is 58.5
Cable length is 45.5
I think it would make a good bow fishing rid personally.
alright ill be sure to let him know, why stay away from the pse bows from those years, something wrong with them?