Perhaps. I’ve been stuck working all but one hour of daylight all week. Perhaps getting a bit moody. Checking in on TOO to see how the rest of the world is enjoying this year’s rut You know, happy to have a little mental break in an effort to keep from killing and maiming my fellow man... and then it happens. I open a thread to see a pair of deer nuts. Come back and hour later to see who killed the deer with nuts, and oh F-no, some jackhole seems to have forgotten they started the dang thread and the happy hunter is too busy to spill the beans and I’m stuck working, trying my level best not to set my Democrat neighbors barn on fire out of pure frustration. Yeah, maybe I’m not the guy that should be trying to see who is killing deer....Congrats Gern!
A little annoyed there are ya brock..
Perhaps. I’ve been stuck working all but one hour of daylight all week. Perhaps getting a bit moody. Checking in on TOO to see how the rest of the world is enjoying this year’s rut You know, happy to have a little mental break in an effort to keep from killing and maiming my fellow man... and then it happens. I open a thread to see a pair of deer nuts. Come back and hour later to see who killed the deer with nuts, and oh F-no, some jackhole seems to have forgotten they started the dang thread and the happy hunter is too busy to spill the beans and I’m stuck working, trying my level best not to set my Democrat neighbors barn on fire out of pure frustration. Yeah, maybe I’m not the guy that should be trying to see who is killing deer....
Chad got one. Wasn’t that simple?
Good job Chad!