well hetre is the deal.
first recovery effort....
We searched for 2 and a half hours last night, and 6 more today. The only blood we found was on the arrow, Which was covered.
The rain didnt help but we assumed we would find something anyway. We didnt find the first drop of blood, No bed, No trail. nothing.
The best we can figure is he either crossed the creek onto land we arent allowed on, or My shot hit low enough to miss vitals alltogether. Beentown examined the arrow pretty closely and to him it looked like the arrow might have slid under the heart into brisket, got stuck in the ribcage and was dislodged as the deer ran. The blood didnt look dark enough to him to be liver and the mix of brown and white hairs indicated a low hit.
I feel bad about it but I can take some solace in the fact that we gave it our best effort to find him. We combed the woods from the pasture to the creek from east to west and even slid into the ground to the west that we really arent supposed to be on. We walked into every briarpatch, looked under every dead fall and in every weed bed. we even crossed the creek in a couple spots to see if there was any sign on the other side. But with no blood to point us in the right direction he could be anywhere
If that deer is dead he is on someone elses property and I have no idea where to look. I would like to think that I missed vitals, he is syill on his feet and will show up on trail cam. To make my day even better, while we were in the woods, someone smashed the driverside window of my jeep.
Think i will just go back to bed.