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It's on... Rut stories


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I saw the second and third rut behavior this year. Last week I saw a mature buck with a doe in the middle of the field running off small bucks. That was a surprise. Nothing in between. Today I saw two does running with their tongues at as small bucks were dogging the snot out of them.

Then it happened. Around 5pm I had my number one target buck come out of his bedding area at 50-60yds. I threw the book at him. First the big can call. Twice. He stopped and wind checked. At this point he was down wind of my Tinks69 and dominant buck pee hanging from the stand. I also had a tarsal gland from last years buck thawing out on my stand. He scent checked hard but wouldn't commit. I grunted. He stopped. He started walking again. I grunted. Stopped. Walked. Snort wheezed. Stopped. Started walking again. Finally he started to turn on a 45 and begin walking in front of me. He went over and worked a scrap hard. The other two bucks had opened it today as well. At this point he was about 75yds out and facing me. I just needed him to follow the trail towards my stand but he followed the trail the hot doe had taken earlier. He worked right back to the position he was in when I first got him to stop. In the end, he did a loop in front of me, was within 50-60yds twice, but no shots offered. I am a 40yd max guy. I have good pics and videos of him on camera. He WILL go OBBC as an 8pt. My buddy thinks 155", but I don't think he is quite this big. He is a big big big dang 8pt, but I am not sure about 155". Needless to say, when he finally walked out of my world for the night I sat down. At this point it probably looked like I was having a seizure. I have never shaken so bad in my life. I have a 138 and 139" on the wall, but I never shook with adrenaline like I did with this guy. If I get him arrowed, I doubt I have another crack at an 8pt this big.

This is why we bow hunt!

Great Rush there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Repeat performance today. Had my Stink Sticks tied onto a rope and drug them in behind me. One with Tinks 69 estrous doe scent and the other with dominant buck urine. Got to my stand and hung them on the ladder. Went to change the camera card at 1pm rather than waiting until dark on the way out. Figured I was safe in the middle of the day. It is only 10-15ft from my stand. Changed card. Walked back to stand and made it half way up when the number 2 buck on my list strolled in looking for the source of the hot doe smell. All I could do was freeze on the stand and wait. He wasn't sure what to make of it but I had no chance of drawing halfway up the tree. He changed direction and trotted off. Didn't seem to bothered. Didn't come back though. Saw 5 bucks today. Had two yearlings lost and wandering around all spooky in the wind. As I was climbing down at dark I got on the second rung down and had a doe come through. Had to climb back up and wait. I would say the seeking/chasing phase is finally under way.

Checked the videos on the card when i got home. Ugh! Had I hunted the stand that I hunted today yesterday instead of today, yep. Would have had a shot at both of them. Oh well. Part of hunting. Part chess match, part luck. Right now it is a matter of putting in the time and waiting for the luck to kick in.


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Hunted my property yesterday. Movement was great early morning and late evening. Wasn't in my stand for 15 min yesterday morning when I had a doe and shooter buck in view. The doe was in range but the buck would stay behind her and off to the side. Closest he would come was 60 yards. Looked like an 8, but could have been a 10. Either way shooter...... big body, rack beyond ears and decent tine length. After they wondered off I had two more bucks cruising her scent trail. Of course, both of them walk within 20 yards, but none of them were shooters.

The wind started to blow about 11am and it didn't die down until about 5:15. The second the wind died I caught movement and here came a buck, one of which I call (skinny 10). He's a 10, but his rack is very thin. He fed around me for almost 30 min and then wondered back into our sanctuary (every deer I saw was either coming from or going into our designated sanctuary that we do not go into). Then right at last light I had a doe and button buck feed in my kill plot for 20 min.

Overall good movement, but once the wind started to howl the deer movement stopped. I decided to sit out today due to the wind howling outside. I'll try it again next weekend during the youth gun hunt.


Staff member
Taking the day off to help the old man build fence at the farm. He needs to get the show cattle out from behind their house something fierce! He drove over 100 posts yesterday by himself and near the end, caught the post driver right between the eyes. I guess it folded him and he bled like a stuck pig. Figured on a 60 degree day with 20+ mph winds, I could earn a little good karma!!!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Last night had a small 1.5 year old 7pt come through just as if it were another day in the woods. Not nose to the ground. Not in a hurry. Just like he was on every day movement.


central Ohio
Last night my dog barked a strange intruder bark- I looked out the back door to investigate. Damn it - sounded like a whole heard within bow shot out my window of where Im sitting, now, on the computer. Thats the second time now. Maybe I should just sit on the tailgate in the drive??


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Yesterday had a small 8 bed 40yrds in front of me for over 2 hrs and saw a bunch of turkeys and even had one of the young jakes try and gobble...
This morning I jumped 3 does and 2 small bucks on the way in and had deer movement up until 930. Wind wasnt all that bad but still no bucks I want to hang my tag on..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Last night my dog barked a strange intruder bark- I looked out the back door to investigate. Damn it - sounded like a whole heard within bow shot out my window of where Im sitting, now, on the computer. Thats the second time now. Maybe I should just sit on the tailgate in the drive??

Don't forget the spotlight:smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wind is ridiculous I'm outta here

Yesterday this was my first ever post from my Smartphone
I'm so proud

The wind sucked so bad Saturday I can't believe it - came literally from 3 directions, trees swaying, branches falling, Sunday I just gave up. Was supposed to be off today but went to work and will save the vacationday for next Monday