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It's on... Rut stories

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Locked em up trying not to hit it but he kept coming... Hit the passenger side bumper and light. Light was already out and big dent in bumper was there... Just got a little bigger...lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I saw the second and third rut behavior this year. Last week I saw a mature buck with a doe in the middle of the field running off small bucks. That was a surprise. Nothing in between. Today I saw two does running with their tongues at as small bucks were dogging the snot out of them.

Then it happened. Around 5pm I had my number one target buck come out of his bedding area at 50-60yds. I threw the book at him. First the big can call. Twice. He stopped and wind checked. At this point he was down wind of my Tinks69 and dominant buck pee hanging from the stand. I also had a tarsal gland from last years buck thawing out on my stand. He scent checked hard but wouldn't commit. I grunted. He stopped. He started walking again. I grunted. Stopped. Walked. Snort wheezed. Stopped. Started walking again. Finally he started to turn on a 45 and begin walking in front of me. He went over and worked a scrap hard. The other two bucks had opened it today as well. At this point he was about 75yds out and facing me. I just needed him to follow the trail towards my stand but he followed the trail the hot doe had taken earlier. He worked right back to the position he was in when I first got him to stop. In the end, he did a loop in front of me, was within 50-60yds twice, but no shots offered. I am a 40yd max guy. I have good pics and videos of him on camera. He WILL go OBBC as an 8pt. My buddy thinks 155", but I don't think he is quite this big. He is a big big big dang 8pt, but I am not sure about 155". Needless to say, when he finally walked out of my world for the night I sat down. At this point it probably looked like I was having a seizure. I have never shaken so bad in my life. I have a 138 and 139" on the wall, but I never shook with adrenaline like I did with this guy. If I get him arrowed, I doubt I have another crack at an 8pt this big.

This is why we bow hunt!


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
This dude was 2 min behind the ass end of what I prsume is a doe :) Date/time aren't right...this was yesterday at about 1pm.



Junior Member
Got in the stand yesterday morning. 10 minutes in a 4 point comes in around 20 yards from the stand. Had a mature doe come in with a yearling doe. Damn yearling was 5 feet from my ladder and wouldn't leave. Momma came over and winded me, but didn't give me a shot. That's the most action I've seen all season.


Staff member
Nap time. I left a limb on the trunk my bow is hanging on that a perfect leg rest! I feel like I'm in the Lazy-Boy!!! Love my Millennium on these long sits!!!


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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Dad had the same 14pt come through dogging a doe hard this morning. He managed to get him stopped, judged him for 20, and clipped some white hair off his belly. He is so disgusted, that's twice now. Said the buck acted like nothing happened and just kept on grunting after the doe.


Senior Member
The buck dad shot last night had a stomach that was stuffed, he was walking in behind a doe and two fawns, but was not chasing. Aren't their stomachs empty if they are rutting pretty good?