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Jager's Snaring Adventures


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You'll get one soon, the fresh pile of shit is encouraging. Did you snare the trail the poo was on?
I did not. It was actually right on the landowners gravel entrance drive. I have several trails set just off of the drive though.

The red dots are my snares. Don't pay attention to the distance at the top of the screen...It's adding a track by connecting the points. The loop that I walk is 1.03 miles. I've got a decent area covered so far but I'm still only scratching the surface.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nothing but empty snares again today. I pulled them down off the supports because I'm not sure I can get back out to check this weekend. Plus it'll give me some time to regroup with a fresh batch of snares.

I'll say this, so far I don't think I'm a fan of the snare boiling procedure. I noticed today when pulling them down that they show obvious corrosion and are MUCH slower to close than they were on day one. I could definitely see a coyote starting into one and backing out with no problem. I am looking forward to seeing how this FMJ dip turns out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well I have the other dozen painted and dipped in FMJ. This stuff is pretty cool. It dries relatively clear and is somewhat hard, kind of like a polymer coating. I can't say for sure that the snares are faster, but it definitely did not make them slower. I'm working on gaining permission for a property closer to the house. If that falls through I'll be resetting back at the original property.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well I have the other dozen painted and dipped in FMJ. This stuff is pretty cool. It dries relatively clear and is somewhat hard, kind of like a polymer coating. I can't say for sure that the snares are faster, but it definitely did not make them slower. I'm working on gaining permission for a property closer to the house. If that falls through I'll be resetting back at the original property.

Dude here's hoping you can seal the deal.... Fingers crossed....



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Best advice I could ever give....Keep After It! I was after my first coyote for 2 weeks. I had snares in every trail coming into a 4 acre field. Had a bait hole going and he was eating good every night. Never did figure out how he was coming in, but he did finally take the wrong trail out. (Bait hole was empty again)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good news. Just got permission to set snares on the neighbor's property next door... 130 acres! Time to get moving!