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Jesse's 2016 Hunting Adventures


Junior Member
Darby Creek
Jesse, I've been in your shoes and it sucked big time. We take it hard because we care but I can tell you this too will pass.

I have found it is better to hit low than high so I always try to stay low in the pocket. It will allow better blow flow for tracking and it allows for possibility of string jumping.

The only other thing I want to say is.....Swhacker!


Coshocton, OH
Something else to distract you. Your most fun in the field is just beginning. I know you enjoy taking K out now, but the real fun is yet to begin. Your girl reminds me a lot of Layla at her first stages of being interested in hunting. Tagging along and watching is great, but when you are actually putting her on a deer and she has a weapon in her hand to try and kill it, nothing more enjoyable. All the bad luck can't take that away from you and the fun you will have. So a positive to think about at a trying time.


Staff member
Something else to distract you. Your most fun in the field is just beginning. I know you enjoy taking K out now, but the real fun is yet to begin. Your girl reminds me a lot of Layla at her first stages of being interested in hunting. Tagging along and watching is great, but when you are actually putting her on a deer and she has a weapon in her hand to try and kill it, nothing more enjoyable. All the bad luck can't take that away from you and the fun you will have. So a positive to think about at a trying time.
This is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. We look up to you guys and it's going to be such a joy to have her in the shooters seat. Heck, I shot this buck from the blind where we sat the evening before and the whole reason it's there is for her to have her own spot.
Just catching up on this thread. Sorry to hear the way things transpired. The only silver lining is that you know his fate and you are happy that a deserving hunter took him.

I'm more than impressed with your determination to find him after your hit. I'm sure that the day is going to come when one of your sought after ghosts will be tagged. I, like many others on this site are always pulling for you. This sport comes with the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. You are addicted, just admit it. The yearning deep in your soul won't let you quit, so best of luck in the AM.


Staff member
Thank you for the support Dick. And you're right, probably is an addiction!

Saw 9 deer this morning, including 2 shooters. One was a nice 10 that I had inside 60 yards twice. He was with a doe the first time and solo the second. I broke for lunch at noon and am about to head back in if I can decide where to sit. One of the better mornings I've ever had in terms of consistent deer activity, grunting and cruising.


Staff member
Updating for Wednesday evening, Friday AM and today's hunts.

Today was as good a day as I've had in the woods on the farm in a long time. 16 total deer sightings. 5 different bucks and at least 5 older age class does. I saw some chasing, some cruising, heard a little sparing and lots of grunting, and watched a few deer enjoy a meal in the food plots. Very enjoyable day. Thought I'd get a shot at the big 10 this morning, but he just wouldn't commit. Still cool to see 2 shooters in one sit.

2016 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 26
Bucks Sightings: 13
Different Bucks: 9
Shooters Seen: 3
Total Sightings: 39

Deer Killed: 0

Morning Hunts: 7
Evening Hunts: 7
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 3
Total Hunts: 14

Hours on Stand: 42

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand: .93

Stands/Blinds Hunted: 10
Properties Hunted:4


Staff member
It felt a little weird being out there this morning. Still feel like I have some pentence to pay for my mistake. Suppose I'll feel that way all season. I'm lucky to get one decent opportunity every couple of years, so I'd say those chips have been cashed in...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Keep after it Jesse! Try to put your mind in the right frame to just have fun hunting. Get rid of any big buck clutter clouding things up and just hunt for the sake of hunting. Easier said than done, I know, but I think all too often we are our own worst enemy. I screwed up on a good buck two days before I tagged the one I did. I'll write about that later, but that moment helped me clear my head. I had a choice. Either let my screw up eat away and ruin my season, or clear my mind and reset my priorities in a positive direction. Just hunt, be thankful and appreciative for the moments spent outdoors, and simply have fun. Good luck brother!



Staff member
Good perspective and input as usual Sean. Tonight, we just went hunting and it was fun. Took K to the platform blind behind my parent's house. I haven't been here all year and had no expectations. We saw the biggest buck I have seen all year, a legit 140's 10 point who came inside 40 yards, but never offered a shot. We also saw a BB that K practically begged me to shoot! Being in the blind with her is a blast and I'm thankful for the night we had.

2016 Stats

Antlerless Sightings: 27
Bucks Sightings: 14
Different Bucks: 10
Shooters Seen: 4
Total Sightings: 41

Deer Killed: 0

Morning Hunts: 7
Evening Hunts: 8
All Day Sits: 0
Skunked Hunts: 3
Total Hunts: 15

Hours on Stand: 44

Average Time Per Hunt: 3 Hours
Deer Seen Per Hour on Stand:
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