Do you know anyone with a drone that could do a fly by over the corn field? Worth a try if you do. Hope you find it.Let say this year hasn't started off the way I have wanted but were gonna make the best out it. Savannah shot a buck this morning at 18 yards and I mean it was perfect. I didn't think the deer would get out of site. After half the day grid searching and having barley any blood. I finally had to call it. The arrow was still in the deer and I'm not sure it got an exit hole the fletchings were buried and I think the had the hole plugged shes devastated but I assured her she did everything right. Without a good blood trail I'm certain he made it into the standing corn so I'm gonna get with the farmer and let him know. I'm 100 percent that deer is dead. I wouldn't have shot it any different. Tonight I get out to the property where a few big deer have been and get within 60 yards of my stand and I look out into the beans and there goes the big 12 doing mach 10 running to the next county. I hope it can only get better.
My brother has one but not sure it will work in the corn. Some of it is blowed over from a big stormDo you know anyone with a drone that could do a fly by over the corn field? Worth a try if you do. Hope you find it.