The training of my young Padewan, Kody, took the next step today. We picked up a used Parker Buck Shot for $100. It is set up with a stabilizer, kisser, peep, and whisker biscuit.
The draw weight is set at 28lbs and ranges to 40 lbs, according to the limb sticker.
I'd say by next year he might be able to pull the 40lbs.
He's 11 now and pulls the 28lbs pretty well. With enough reps I think he'll bump up quick.
This year he'll still use a crossbow, but I'm trying to groom him.

The draw weight is set at 28lbs and ranges to 40 lbs, according to the limb sticker.
I'd say by next year he might be able to pull the 40lbs.
He's 11 now and pulls the 28lbs pretty well. With enough reps I think he'll bump up quick.
This year he'll still use a crossbow, but I'm trying to groom him.