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Landowner requests


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I was shed hunting on one of the properties I have permission for yesterday and after I was done I stopped by the house to show the landowner what I had found. While we was standing there talking I had made mention of having one of my trail cam out in the woods. They asked if I had a spare one that they could borrow so they could find out what was getting in their barn and eating the cat and peacock food. They had also had a bunch of quail chicks killed a few months ago and wanted to know what was causing all the problems. It just so happened that I had a cam free to take a look for them and I set it up yesterday evening for them. I went out this morning to check the cam and sure enough I found out what it was. Now keep in mind that the cam is inside the closed chicken wire peacock encloser mounted at 5 1/2 ' off the ground.





Little fugger tried to rip my cam off the cage and he ate all the peacocks food. Fugger has to die now and I'm sure he has friends. Joe, are ya ready for some fun lmao.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
What is it? I am guessing a coon? Hard to tell from that picture.

A mink will kill at will in enclosures like that, but I doubt he would eat the food. A raccoon on the other hand would do both.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra

It still isn't real clear to me, but as long as you know what it is that's all that matters......set a trap behind those steel bars and catch him!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Now that's how you help take care of landowner relationships!! Hope you catch the bugger.

Yup :D. And with these pics it just opens a new door to kill stuff lmao. The landowner is a substitute teacher and it just happens that she was going to have the county WO in her class this morning. She told me last night she was going to ask him about getting a nuisance permit for the coon.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Mix a little fly bait with some coke and put it where only the coon can get it........he won't be more than 20 feet away in the morning.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Mix a little fly bait with some coke and put it where only the coon can get it........he won't be more than 20 feet away in the morning.

I have to watch because she has a barn full of friggin cats too :(. I will have to get in the barn and do some snooping around tomorrow and see what kind of plan I can come up with.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Pattern the time then wait w/ a 22 short...Done deal. Lead poisoning.

That's what I'm talkin about lmao.

I just need to get back in the barn past the peacock pen and see what's going on in that barns rafters. Try and figure out where that fugger is getting in or living in the barn. Crack him while he sleeps :smiley_clap:
I trap a lot of coon in barns and atic's

I use a live trap
That way I can release the cats if the owners want them

What needs to die
Gets a breath holding test
As I drop the trap in a 55 gallon barrel of water and come back 10 min later

No cat or coon has passed the test yeat

A cut up apple and marshmellows are my barn bait if cats are around and not to be targeted
Otherwise the cheapest canned oil packed tuna is used



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I trap a lot of coon in barns and atic's

I use a live trap
That way I can release the cats if the owners want them
A cut up apple and marshmellows are my barn bait if cats are around and not to be targeted
Otherwise the cheapest canned oil packed tuna is used


This will be my backup plan. I have one of the bigger havaheart traps for coon. If he gets in there I will hual him out to the field and shoot it or tie a rope to the handle and toss him in the pond and see how well he can swim in a trap.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
If you catch anything, you have to kill it. Game warden told me that once.


Nuisance or sick raccoons may be trapped without a permit, but it is illegal to live trap and relocate them to a new area. In order to prevent the possible spread of raccoon diseases in Ohio, all live trapped raccoons must be released again on the homeowner's property or humanely euthanized. Consult your district wildlife office for further information.

For those who choose to, trapping can be an effective method of dealing with a troublesome wildlife "guest." The most commonly used device is a cage-like, live-trap which captures the animal physically unharmed. Live traps can be built at home or purchased from a commercial source. Traps should be checked twice a day (morning and evening) to replenish bait or to humanely deal with the captured animal.

^ie - you have to kill them!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
PS - if you really ever have the chance of catching a skunk in a live trap, tie a 100 foot piece of rope to the trap. Upon finding a skunk, tie said rope to a quad or truck and hail ass, turn at the nearest creek, and the cage will keep going and into the creek.

May or may not spray.

Fun as hell, guarandamnteed!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Your right Huck. The coon CANNOT be taken off the property alive. It has be shot or humanely euthanized right on the spot. I also found out you don't need a permit for a nuisance coon to trap and kill it either :D.