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Live from Louisiana


Ragin Cajun.
Light frost this morning. No real wind to speak of. Gonna warm up today with the next two days of rain. As you can tell I love a beautiful sunrise.

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Ragin Cajun.
Giles I’m actually kind of embarrassed as I’ve read yalls threads and always ends up w a nut shot then big bone.

Y’all have a very good chance of seeing a disappointing ending to a long hard season. We have deer but not the numbers of mature deer that y’all have. Shit to see one in a season is not bad here. Y’all may see several in one hunt. Our terrain is also a big obstacle because they are not many hard funnels, fields and strips of prime woods/ bedding areas. Our shit is nasty everywhere, deer don’t travel to feed or water. No way will they be caught in a field feeding. Half hour after dark and a good hour before day brake that dick is back in the jungle or bed.

But with the disappointments and failures make the little success that much sweeter. I’ve probably killed 10 mature bucks in 30 years. I used to hunt hard like a madman. I’m done with going in 2 miles one way in the swamp/jungle only to walk back and come out for lunch and do it again after lunch. Now I hunt the dust line and enjoy myself more or go to my property and hopefully watch deer. I still haven’t killed that public monster w a bow. Our good bucks average 130, yes we have them Over 200.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looking forward to your next adventure. Seeing several mature deer in a sit in Ohio? Maybe on the perfect day once every 10 years. lol

As with anywhere, there are good properties and bad properties. Even on a "good property" I might only see a mature deer once or twice in the season. That doesn't mean it is in range though. Some of my properties I can see half a mile or more.


Ragin Cajun.
Just got done texting w my taxidermy, he’s saying he’s gonna have to be a Walmart greeter if it keeps going like this lol. Same story every year, then at the end of the season he has 300 racks hanging. He does good work and there is a bonus.... he lives across the road from my property and keeps an eye out for me. Win/win.

He used to raise deer to sell, I told him he could let a couple does free range on my property but put bright collars on them as they will be on the no kill list lol. It was always a joke. Good thing about him having deer from Midwest is they come into estrous in November. Two years ago ups guy said there were two big bucks in his yard. I have 15 acres next to the road with a big bayou that splits it off from the majority of my property. I made a deal with him cause he wanted to fence off 2-3 acres to put his deer in. Deal was he could do it and would give me a free shoulder mount, European mount and small game mount a year for using said acreage. So he went to cut lanes for fence but it’s was so nasty it pulled the fuel lines and or radiator hose off. So that didn’t happen but he honored the agreement that year. I had a buck mounted and a hide soft tanned. He didn’t want to charge me but I insisted on paying since he wasn’t actually using the acreage. I think he agreed to letting me pay cost for mounting. I threw in a couple hundred bucks also. He has sold all his deer and said no more as they always battling with ehd. Deer from different climates don’t do well down here.

So he says to me, I’m getting out of my lease after this year and wanted to bring two stands to hunt the 15 acres across the street. I never hunt it but is also part of my sanctuary. I’m not sure if I should let him do it. I only have a total of 179 acres. 45 never get hunted as I haven’t felt the need to hunt it and decided it’s best for a sanctuary. The middle of the rest of my property is a no go zone also. We hunt the edges where the turn rows were as I really can’t manipulate anything other than the said turn rows as the property is in a federal program CRP. Any suggestions?

Oh he has also pulled me out a couple times from being stuck where I park. My f250 doesn’t do well in gumbo mud.

Last year was my best year, sent him two shoulder mounts, to skull mounts and a hide to tan.
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Ragin Cajun.
Ok I’m not hunting but this post goes with the theme. Yesterday the processor called and said my smoke sausage was ready. I brought clean deboned meat, 58#. Picked up 86# with only a 1/3 beef fat. Smoked pineapple and brown sugar. Cost was 124$. I ain’t even gonna try to make smoked sausage at the price.

Today I grounded up some roast and trimmings I had in the freezer. Made 45 packs.

Now I have two deer to debone and clean in the ice chest. Busy day but trying to get done so I can go to camp. Just thought I’d share.