So I met with the young man that lives next door. He looked at it and said should be doable. I asked if he could get it done by this weekend? He said yes. I hate to rush him as his father has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and given a year to live. As I was finishing unloading the bike, his mom pulled up with dad after getting a round of chemo. How could I be upset with how my hunting season has been? This family is living hard times right now and I’m upset over stupid shit, yes that’s right STUPID SHIT! I asked if they needed help as they walked him inside, they said “no we got it” thanks. I left with tears in my eyes.
Life isn’t about the big things, but the many little things that happen every day.
About 15 minutes later Nicolas, my mechanic comes over and I sat and talked with him for a little while. I know he is struggling and told him we are here for them and to stay positive and supportive. I have and we are living the hard lessons learned as my mother passed two years ago with pancreatic cancer and we are taking care of my father that has dementia real bad. I couldn’t do it without my wife as we both sacrifice a lot. I write this not for sympathy, but only to give everyone some perspective when “things don’t feel like they are going your way”. Count your blessing and enjoy living.